Bush Center Slams Trump: We Want More Migration – IOTW Report

Bush Center Slams Trump: We Want More Migration

OK. Let’s export 1 Bush for each migrant.

Breitbart: The economics director at President George W. Bush’s advocacy center slammed President Donald Trump’s popular, pro-American immigration policy.

The May 1 slam came just before Bush posted a May 2 video urging national unity in the coronavirus crash that has pushed more than 25 million Americans out of jobs.

“The most important thing to remember in this is that we don’t want [Trump’s] temporary policy to become permanent immigration policy,” economic director Laura Collins said a video posted on the center’s Twitter account. She continued:

We know immigrants are good for the economy. We know they’re good for our culture. We know they’re in this fight with us together, and we’re going to meet them working with us side by side in any recovery after the pandemic is over.

Trump’s April 22 immigration policy says the economic needs of American employees are more important than the immigration preferences of foreigners. His policy temporarily trims the annual inflow of legal immigrants and directs agencies to review visa worker programs in 30 days.

Polls show the public — including recent immigrants — is overwhelmingly aligned with Trump in prioritizing jobs for Americans over welcomes for legal immigrants.

The visa worker programs targeted by Trump are extremely important to the Fortune 500. In response, the companies’ lobbyists and progressives allies have quickly launched a hard-nosed lobbying campaign and a soft-focus PR campaign to protect the programs and mass migration. more

34 Comments on Bush Center Slams Trump: We Want More Migration

  1. The JEB! (“They’re coming here for Teh Love”) infection is spreading.
    Nuke it from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure.

  2. “The visa worker programs (cheap labor) are extremely important to the Fortune 500.”
    That may be, but the visa worker program is NOT important to the US citizen average wage slave worker.

  3. @LCD – They know Americans don’t want this (except for the brainwashed), which is why they are just shoving it down our throats and laughing in our faces about it. They believe we are powerless to do anything. Let’s see what Pres. Trump does with his next 4 years. We may end with another civil war after all – but I am willing to see if Trump can eventually turn this shit around.

  4. There’s that “WE” shit again… why do these dimwits even try to include themselves with the rest of the regular blue / white collar people? We all know that they are elitist and we don’t belong to their new world order club.

  5. Typical progressive global elitist jackassery. “Dubyah” Bush cares more about foreign, mostly illegal “migration” than the safety and wellbeing of U.S. citizens.
    Go back into hiding and shut up, Dubyah. The attempt to hurt President Trump is asinine and won’t work.

  6. Hey George Wussy Bush…
    You want more migration, move to Canada or France,
    They have lots of immigration and death that comes with it,
    Muzzies don’t want to coexist, they want to conquer by having a dozen kids each.

  7. They also wanted more Bushies in the WH {sigh}. We see how that turned out.

    I understand they’re disappointed, but the gifts bestowed on us by the Bushes still linger to this day. Thanks, but no more.

    Go back to painting dubya. Perhaps Hillary and the rest of your crony cabal, in bright orange jumpsuits.

  8. “open “hundreds and thousands” of jobs to Americans” and the problem is what exactly?
    Large corporations will have to pay competitive wages.
    Fewer welfare recipients.
    More tax payers.

  9. Eight years of silence during Obama. Now he opens his yap
    all the time when Trump is trying to do good for Americans.
    Tells ya all ya need to know. We’ve got enough freakin immigrants.

  10. Daddy was CIA director – that’s all you need to know about the Bush family corruption.
    Everyone knows open borders mean anything can be smuggled across.

  11. There have been allegations of CIA drug trafficking since the Korean War. Also vietnam, cambodia, afghanistan…you get the picture.
    It’s a fine way to finance those “off the books” operations that spies don’t want you to know about.
    Maybe get rich while doing it.
    Murica, ya know?

  12. a May 2 video urging national unity in the coronavirus crash

    Hear! Hear!

    Something we can all support. Well almost all. So. What say we all, “Get a rope.”

    Show of hands… those opposed? Well. Alrighty, then.

  13. Well Mr Bush. You can take them onto your ranch and support them. The majority of CITIZENS don’t want them taking our jobs or paying for them with taxpayer benefits.
    You and the new world order ilk can go to hell

  14. It’s almost as if they don’t understand the feelings and attitudes of we the people. Like, they almost don’t even care to want to understand.
    Oh, what do I know, I’m just a naive unimportant idiot scrapping by with no significance to the whole scheme of things, keeping my head buried in the sand so I don’t have to notice anything going on around me.

  15. Stupid baseless comments promoting an open borders communist anti-American agenda. From the d-grade bush league school of mediocrity. More drivel from a university that should know better (my alma mater im ashamed). Trump exposed these elitist country clubbers for the frauds they are.

  16. the Rove/Bush syndicate has bashed Don for five (5)years. When one of them honestly, unequivocally say a good thing about the President THAT WILL BE NEWS! When GWB loves Des;lorables it will be very cold in Hell!


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