UK: Hypocrite scientist Neil Ferguson quits after breaking lockdown rules to have trysts with married environmental activist – IOTW Report

UK: Hypocrite scientist Neil Ferguson quits after breaking lockdown rules to have trysts with married environmental activist

Looks like they both spent most of the lockdown on their backs.
Hope you burn in hell, you pieces of shit.

Professor Neil Ferguson, 51, previously warned UK could see 500,000 deaths if it didn’t implement lockdown.

Daily Mail: The scientist whose advice led to Boris Johnson imposing coronavirus lockdown measures resigned from his government role last night after it emerged that he had breached the restrictions he recommended to meet his married lover.

Professor Neil Ferguson, 51, allowed his mistress Antonia Staats, 38, to travel across London to visit him at least twice at his home despite the lockdown, which he has continually stressed is vital in stopping the spread of the killer virus. 

Ms Staats lives with her husband, who is in his 30s, and their two children in a £1.9 million house in south London. She travelled across the capital to visit the scientist on at least two occasions after the lockdown was announced on March 23. 

Admitting he had ‘made an error of judgement’, Prof Ferguson claimed last night that he thought he was ‘immune’ to the illness, with Ms Staats only visiting him after he had recovered from Covid-19.  more here

see also:

Top U.K. coronavirus scientist resigns after breaking lockdown rules.

14 Comments on UK: Hypocrite scientist Neil Ferguson quits after breaking lockdown rules to have trysts with married environmental activist

  1. Prof Ferguson claimed last night that he thought he was ‘immune’ to the illness, with Ms Staats only visiting him after he had recovered from Covid-19.

    That. That’s the error, Sherlock.

  2. Professor Neil Ferguson, 51, previously warned UK could see 500,000 deaths if it didn’t implement lockdown.

    Perhaps his use of the term “lockdown” has been misunderstood.

  3. I’m shocked!
    Shocked, I tells ya!

    He *had* the Wuhan Flu, and was fucking some tart who was crossing London for the assignations? In public conveyance? On her bicycle? How many viruses did she spread? How is this an “error in judgement” as opposed to “willfully spreading a disease?”

    Wobbles the mind.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Just one look at the BBC lineup, and it’s clear that in the UK, women are brainwashed to think it’s just fine to sleep around on their husbands and that, if he objects, he’s the asshole in the situation. Burning their own countries down while laughing and fucking the entire time. Typical British ruling class bullshit. They’re all a bunch of degenerate assholes. When the muzzies finally take over, they’ll all be flying off rooftops.

  5. If he and she were both duplicitous about their affair, what else could they be lying about?

    Profs generally piss me off anyway.

    I told my daughter, before I dropped her off at university, that if she dated a professor, that I would kick the shit out of him for taking advantage of an 18 year old.

    Something about male feminists, sjw, advocates for, just scream “I do this to get laid”.

    According to the article, It looks like this asshole brought WHU FLU to Borris.

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