New Jersey Councilwoman attacks mayor in vulgar, homophobic rant during coronavirus conference call – IOTW Report

New Jersey Councilwoman attacks mayor in vulgar, homophobic rant during coronavirus conference call

Reports say she does this type of thing a lot.

Also: Trenton clerk Dwayne Harris resigns amid audit demand, fervor over Robin Vaughn’s homophobic rant.

11 Comments on New Jersey Councilwoman attacks mayor in vulgar, homophobic rant during coronavirus conference call

  1. Yes, Jersey is a complete mess. I have lived here my entire life. The state may be a small blip better every now and then, but has basically been in doward spiral since I was born 52 years ago. My youngest graduates High School this year (I feel bad that he will not have a traditional graduation because of the CHINA-VIRUS). But me and the wife are looking towards moving to a red state where our vote and lifestyle count.

  2. As I had mentioned before when asked, Quebec is canada’s New Jersey.

    This just reinforces my opinion.

    Harry A. – Lots of great people in Jersey, I have family there, just they are in the minority.

  3. @Harry A – lets meet in a bar, before we both leave our states. I live not too far from you (lower westchesta), maybe? Tell @BFH where you live and we could meet at a half way safe house…

    We need to freely assemble and talk, maybe talk a walk…you know, ‘conspire’.

    Phil “That’s above my pay grade” Murphy.

  4. I find her unfiltered criticisms of the agendas promoted by Federally Recognized Victims Groups to be…refreshing, although I do prefer the phrase “presbyterian him down” to “jew him down.”


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