New York judge gives Joe Biden a new headache in ruling the primary must go on – IOTW Report

New York judge gives Joe Biden a new headache in ruling the primary must go on

American Thinker—
Foiled, again.

Just as Joe Biden looked to have his nomination for Democratic Party presidential nominee all locked up, out comes a New York state judge, who ruled that New York must hold its presidential primary, coronavirus or no coronavirus.

According to The Hill:

A federal judge issued a ruling Tuesday requiring New York to hold its presidential primary in June and restore Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and other former presidential contenders to the ballot. 

The ruling from Judge Analisa Torres of the Southern District of New York, an Obama appointee, said Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s (D) decision to scrap his state’s primary violated the First and 14th Amendment rights of White House contenders who have since ended their campaigns.

“The Court concludes that Plaintiffs and Plaintiff-Intervenors have shown a clear and substantial likelihood of success on the merits of their claim that the Democratic Commissioners’ April 27 Resolution removing Yang, Sanders, and eight other Democratic presidential candidates from the ballot deprived them of associational rights under the First and Fourteenth Amendments to the Constitution,” Torres ruled, referring to entrepreneur Andrew Yang, another former presidential candidate who filed the lawsuit against New York. 

On principled judicial grounds, it was the right call, because cripes, calling off an election is banana-republic stuff, in this case, another power-overreach by Gov. Andrew Cuomo. And New York was already in the miserable position of being one of the last primaries. Calling off an election just because you think you already know the result is not only bad in itself, it opens the gates to some Hugo Chavez-style abuses of power. Hugo, by the way, never called off any of his pre-rigged ‘elections.’ 

That’s bad news for Biden because it highlights how little he’s consolidated his position in the party. read more

5 Comments on New York judge gives Joe Biden a new headache in ruling the primary must go on

  1. Actually, this HELPS Biden.
    Without a vote these delegates are not committed.
    Without enough committed delegates Biden could be short of the necessary delegates in the first ballot at the Democrat convention, completely opening the vote in later ballots. Biden could then easily be booted.

  2. We need to move the Presidential Election to August…It’ll be

    Hot and Humid, which will Cull the Wuhan Flu…and it’ll catch the

    Dem’s stepping on Their Dicks(SOP)


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