Florida Governor DeSantis Debunks Critics of Reopening – IOTW Report

Florida Governor DeSantis Debunks Critics of Reopening

Bongino.com: Throughout the coronavirus pandemic, Florida Republican Governor Ron DeSantis, overall one of the most popular governors in the county, has been lambasted by the Left frequently for the way he has handled the virus.

Among the criticisms include allegations that he closed mass gatherings too late, that he closed the state initially (and as of now) on a county by county basis, and that he opened certain beaches sooner than the media apparently wanted. In short, they claimed his actions, or lack thereof, would cause mass death and the overrun of the state’s healthcare system.

But, like everything else the Left says, this proved to be wrong. For some reason, the media seems to be under the false impression that every state is New York (which is ironic, because they won’t give a second of criticism to Andrew Cuomo, even though his state is the hardest hit).

In response to the criticism, DeSantis laid out a presentation comparing the projections with the actual results in under two and a half minutes.

Give it a watch below:

7 Comments on Florida Governor DeSantis Debunks Critics of Reopening

  1. Look at the facial expressions of the leftists. Most are happy and excited, some even gleeful. How does this fit the idea that we are in a serious crisis? DeSantis shows consern and is in problem solving mode.

  2. Went to Kroger’s this morning and the produce section was very sparse.
    I asked one of the guys working if they were running out of food or just hadn’t put it out yet.
    He told me the warehouse is the problem. The workers there do not want to work. So the food is not getting from the warehouse to the stores.

    Looks to me like the warehouse workers would rather not work most likely because they can make more money by not working with that 600 dollar bunt that was in the stimulus bill.

    Our country is getting completely and utterly ass fucked by this and the republican legislators who are supposed to be our representatives are doing next to nothing. Why in the fuck am i even voting?

  3. …the Left never accepts logical, verifiable, fact-based disproof of anything they want.

    If they DID, we’d have NO communism, NO Muslims, NO Obamacare, and CERTAINLY no Plandemic to talk about in the FIRST place…

  4. Reminds me of FDR. FDR was a hero to Americans because he led us through the Depression. He was our leader all the way, through the darkest times.
    Which he extended, through his big government, Keynesian spending, autocratic leadership. It could have been over quickly had a Coolidge type been elected in 1932, and allowed businesses to find the economic solution rather than have the government create one that didn’t work.
    Same for Cuomo – he is leading New Yorkers through this dark time of having the highest death rate in the country. Which is due largely to his leadership.


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