Lawsuit Challenges Constitutionality of Wisconsin’s Stay-at-Home Order – IOTW Report

Lawsuit Challenges Constitutionality of Wisconsin’s Stay-at-Home Order

WFB: Suit accuses Dem governor of privileging shopping over religious liberty.

Two Wisconsin citizens are challenging the state’s stay-at-home order in court, arguing the executive order is unconstitutional because it singles out religious and political expression.

Democratic governor Tony Evers’s “Safer at Home” order prohibits public or private gatherings of more than 10 people except under specific circumstances, such as shopping. It also restricts religious gatherings to fewer than 10 individuals. The lawsuit argues that Evers’s policy limits the constitutionally protected religious and political expression of Wisconsin citizens, according to Charles Cooper, the lead attorney for the plaintiffs.

“The point isn’t that the state doesn’t have a compelling interest in addressing this health care crisis. We concede and recognize that,” Cooper told the Washington Free Beacon. “The point is that the state can’t single out or discriminate against and disadvantage individuals who seek to leave their homes for these constitutionally protected purposes.” read more

6 Comments on Lawsuit Challenges Constitutionality of Wisconsin’s Stay-at-Home Order

  1. I know this is not breaking news, but why do all leftists look like they were easily rolled for their lunch money as children?
    They still hold a grudge and they longed for political power in order to exact revenge for their miserable childhoods.

  2. “The point isn’t that the state doesn’t have a compelling interest in addressing this health care crisis. We concede and recognize that,”

    Why are people still issued driver’s licenses? Traffic kills millions yet the state has yet to shut down the highways. The state needs to do its job!

  3. @ PHenry. It’s why I often refer to democrat rule as Revenge of the Nerds, it truly is a case of when the geeks who got pantsed or had their lunch trays knocked out of their hands in high school finally got their power to try and make everyone else as miserable as they are.

  4. First of all, it’s not the Governor’s order, it was issued by the hired hand at the Health Dept., Andrea Palm.
    Second, the order prohibits gatherings of any number of people, not just 10.
    That means, you cannot, under threat of jail and/or fines, go door to door to collect signatures needed to force a recall of the Governor.
    And insult to injury, Evers never signed the orders.

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