New Pro-Trump Ad Revisits Decade-Old Biden Scandal – IOTW Report

New Pro-Trump Ad Revisits Decade-Old Biden Scandal

Daily Caller:

A new advertisement from a Trump-aligned political action committee (PAC) is hitting presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden on a decades-old scandal.

The advertisement, produced by Restoration PAC, was obtained exclusively by the Daily Caller, and will debut on Fox News Friday morning. The 60 second TV spot will hit Biden for exaggerating his resume during his first presidential campaign in 1988. 

“Joe Biden has never been President for some very good reasons,” the advertisement states. “One of them is still breathtaking, years later.”

The video then shows Biden bragging about having three college degrees, and having finished at the top of his class in law school, neither of which turned out to be true. The advertisement plays old news clips detailing the unraveling of Biden’s claims.  WATCH


7 Comments on New Pro-Trump Ad Revisits Decade-Old Biden Scandal

  1. Dirty Joe Biden: The democRATz Stalking Jackass to get them into to their National Convention where they will simply select a nuther nincompoop (whose brain hasn’t been completely fundamentally transformed into fertilizer) to act as their stooge for their Communist platform! So much for the Primaries!

  2. He’s gone from very dumb to insane, resulting in this Quixotic run for President.

    He’ll either be removed by the DNC mandarins or get trounced next November. The Bernie Boys won’t vote for him and his background repulses lots of other people.

  3. Old school POS. The only reason he was VP was so Barkey could have a symbolic “white boy” at his feet. Joe was the only one dumb (desperate) enough to go for it.

  4. If I was a Democrat loyalist right now, I’d be suffering a black depression over the thrice-warmed leftovers my party is trying to foist on me. I mean, try to put yourself in those shoes. The presumptive nominee has unmistakable signs of age-related mental decline, and the alternatives are no great prize. It must be just awful for them to go from Barack, the Magic Gay Person-of-Color to Plugs, the Old, White, Almost Dead Guy, in just eight short years.

    I can’t wait ’til obama is called before John Durham and the Justice Department.


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