And we all knew that he knew…

PJM: Obama Knew of Flynn Wiretaps, Declassified Docs Show.

President Obama was aware of the details of wiretapped conversations of then-incoming National Security Adviser Michael Flynn with then-Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak back in December 2016, according to recently declassified Department of Justice (DOJ) documents released on Thursday.

Obama’s direct knowledge of the details of Flynn’s wiretapped calls even shocked his then-Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates. Obama had fired Flynn as head of the Defense Intelligence Agency in 2014 in order to protect Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran. Obama’s knowledge of Flynn being wiretapped raises significant questions about what Obama knew and when he knew it with regard to the attempt to railroad Flynn and prevent him from serving as Trump’s national security adviser. read more

33 Comments on OBAMA KNEW

  1. It’s not so much a bombshell because everyone always knew it was, what it was. It’s just satisfying to know that the evidence is finally seeing day light. Say bye bye to the fake legacy, poser.

  2. they’ve already used the ‘2 rogue agents in Ohio’ defense for some of their other crimes.
    that ain’t gonna work this time.

    Contact trace his ass!
    All of them.
    Then charge them with sedition and treason.
    Now is the prefect time for ‘perp-walks’- everyone is home and watching tv

  3. You can tell the media are nervous. They started right away with the attacks on Barr. They are so afraid that Obama will be implicated. Their commie messiah.
    I hope Flynn sues their butts off. The law firm he initially used has Holder as a partner. They are crooked as can be. Deep pockets too.
    The Dems like Schiffty started pointing fingers immediately at Republicans and Trump when their lies got exposed yesterday too. They’re probably all eating Tums like it’s candy right now.
    Ric Grennell is a hero for rooting out the documents.

  4. Everyone knew Bathhouse Barry was the one giving orders, probably on the instructions of Jarrett, the Iranian traitor. So much for not a smidgen, anybody take their passports away yet?

  5. hey- let us see his real birth certificate and college applications too.

    this fucker has a truck load of smidgens he needs to cough up

  6. Will this finally be the fall of Obama? I hate to sound cynical but I doubt it.
    Your move Barr and Republicans!

    Americans want our faith in JUSTICE and the RULE OF LAW RESTORED!

  7. The pig Obama is still having a laugh on us since he lived eight years in the White House with his tranny lover and borrowed children.
    Until there’s enough guts to bring that out in the open he’ll continue to laugh.

  8. And yet over the last 24 hrs had any news service or “journalist” pressed Obama for a response? It is not hyperbole to say this makes Watergate look like a beta male pajama party. Too bad this crap is coming out while the news is Wuhan-24/7

  9. Why is nobody connecting the Russia hoax perpetrated against President Trump and the midterm loss of the House majority? That was the real election meddling.

  10. “the evidence is finally seeing day light”, but just off in a dark corner.
    There are way to many “Media Mental Midgets” that will never believe their token black guy did anything wrong.
    The Dems have told lie after lie, but the media and the internet say it isn’t so. So it must be true.
    All the “Media Mental Midgets” know is, orange man bad.
    I have yet to meet anyone with TDS that can explain why.
    One guy said, “You must watch FOX”, I told him I don’t watch any of it, I read.

  11. Waiting for Mooch to come out about how terrible it was being lied to by Berry the whole time they were married. She knew nothing! and dang she had those two brats that ruined her chances to become something!

  12. The Chicago Jesus just watched a very public show of Rick Grenell taking two satchels worth of intel to AG Barr.

    Mr. & Mr “All this for a flag” muslim, commie, traitorous rat bastards will have one last blockade from prosecution when Manchelle runs as VP, and then it will all fall apart for the Kenyan.

    You can expect all out war against PDJT, Barr, and Durham now.

    The cabal will instigate mass civil unrest and mass casualties before the election. Stock up your ammo and get prepared as the satanic bastards will do anything to keep it all from slipping away.

  13. Mike Zullo on U tube.
    Selective Service registration fraud.
    The altered pica stamp…
    SS# from deceased man in Conn.

  14. A nuther blast from the past –
    Barak Errata (with apologies to National Lampoom’s Deteriorata)
    Go placidly amid the noise and waste. And remember what comfort there may be in owning a piece (of Sesame street) thereof.
    Avoid brilliant and strong persons.
    Inflate your tires.
    Speak glowingly of those greater than yourself (even though in your own mind there are none) and heed well their advice, even though they be imbeciles.
    Know Hu to bow to…..and Wen!
    Consider that two wrongs never make a right, but that THREE…do.
    Whenever possible, avoid decisions.
    Exaggerate your achievements and cloak your plans in “Transparency”.
    Be comforted that in the face of all aridity and disillusionment, despite the changing fortunes of time, there will always be a big future in humus.
    Strive at all times to lie, deceive, seal records and destroy emails.
    Whilst you wallow in vast fields of Bullshit, remember Benghazi!
    Know yourself. If you need help, call Jeremiah Wright.
    Exercise caution in your daily affairs,
especially with those persons closest to you – – that dipshit Lynch on yer left for instance.
    Be assured that a walk through the ocean of most souls would drown your shallow, skinny ass.
    Hire Imams with hooks and sing Sheik Yerbouhti.
    For a good time, call 1-800-606-4311. Ask for Reggie.
    May the Muslim Brotherhood’s sand-fleas of time forever infest your goat sandwich.
    Take heart, in the deepening gloom, that your wife is finally getting enough Arugula.
    Reflect that whatever misfortune may be your lot, 
it could only be worse in Kenya.
    Therefore, make peace with your god, 
whether you conceive him to be a 
hairy thunderer, or cosmic pedophile.
    With all your silly Hope and Change, Fundamental Transformation, wild and reckless spending, domestic spying, IRS weaponizing, filthy Occupy Squatters, DREAM acts, Jihad-coddling, Traitor-caressing, Benghazi-Bullshitting, Bush-blaming, Climate lies, Healthcare scams, shams and broken promises, your world continues to deteriorate, so Party Hearty and…. Fore!!
    You are a Fluke 
of the Universe. You have no right to be here.

    And whether you can hear it or not 
the Universe is laughing behind your back you pathetic, plastic-banana republic Marxist, Muzlim Mallard!

  15. Dirtball nailed it. ValGal always has had her hand up Obama’s ass working his lips. Obama said, of course he runs every thing by her and bet your ass they colluded on this too.

    I’ll never forget that ear to ear, shit eating grin he had plastered on his soup coolers as he and Big Mike welcomed President elect Trump and Melania to the WH. What a fucking douche, knowing full well he was at that very moment illegally working to undermine his successor.

    How long was Trump in the WH before he packed up and moved his operation down to FL? I’d like to know what they found in the WH when they undoubtedly went over it with a fine tooth comb.

  16. Yeah, like we didn’t know that he bugged Trump Tower as well, a realization by the great patriot Adm. Mike Rogers, and the POTUS left for his property in Bedminster, NJ…IMMEDIATELY.

  17. stop2think
    MAY 8, 2020 AT 8:39 AM
    “…Too bad this crap is coming out while the news is Wuhan-24/7”

    …that’s WHY the news is Wuhan-24/7.

    …it NEVER had ANYTHING to do with a VIRUS…

  18. ghost- Thats how we knew the whole “Russian Collusion thing was horse shit right from the gitgo! We knew in the summer of 16 that the Obamboozler bugged Trump’s office and campaign headquarters. If there really was any so-called “Russian Collusion” they would have known about it and used it as an October Surprise! They didn’t because it was a backup plan hastily put together 24 hour after the supremely over-confident, cheating Screeching Basilisk lost!

  19. Soon after Trump was inaugurated and the Obama staff were preparing for the transition, remember the media salivating and reporting that their hero Obama with Jarrett had a totally secret, closed-door meeting with all the main players?
    THAT was when they hatched their plan.

  20. MMinAR: “…I’d like to know what they found in the WH when they undoubtedly went over it with a fine tooth comb.”

    One of the things they found, after a briefing, was mueller’s cell phone. It was stuffed in the cushions of a sofa in the Oval Office, and it was turned on. ‘They’ said he must have forgotten it after a meeting.
    yeah right.

    and valerie jarrett is an iranian anchor baby

  21. @MMinAR and Toby Miles – an article from 10/27/17:

    After what happened in the TT, he mostly certainly cleaned out the stink from the previous Occupant.

    Podcast about that cell phone:

    Joe Digenova and Victoria Toensing, commenting on that ‘incident’…


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