Court Docs From 1996 Confirm Tara Reade Told Her Husband About the Sexual Harassment in Biden’s Office – IOTW Report

Court Docs From 1996 Confirm Tara Reade Told Her Husband About the Sexual Harassment in Biden’s Office

PJM: A 1996 court document reveals that Tara Reade, a former Biden staffer, told her ex-husband she was sexually harassed while working in Joe Biden’s office in 1993. The document was obtained by The Tribune in San Luis Obispo, California.

Reade’s then-husband, Theodore Dronen, made the court declaration, writing that Reade told him about “a problem she was having at work regarding sexual harassment, in U.S. Senator Joe Biden’s office.”

According to Dronen, Reade told him she “eventually struck a deal with the chief of staff of the Senator’s office and left her position.” read more

12 Comments on Court Docs From 1996 Confirm Tara Reade Told Her Husband About the Sexual Harassment in Biden’s Office

  1. If she was paid off, it doesn’t diminish the fact that he still did it.

    And did she sign a NDA?

    If the left starts to say “But she was paid off, she needs to shut up!” just remind them of all the women Cosby paid off who then talked about him anyway, all of whom the Left applauded as heroines.

  2. Tons of articles today about how blacks are dying in disproportianate numbers from the chinese virus.

    It’s just more evidence that white people have superior immune systems. Or many that blacks have inferior immune systems.

  3. None of this matters to forty percent of the voters in the Dementiacrat Party. They hate President Trump more than they love the truth. These people would rather elect a mentally incompetent molester than see Trump re-elected. They’ve devolved their stance since all those brave women accused Doctor Cosby and Harvey Weinstein and Donald Trump of sexual assault. It’s a great attribute to be selective from time to time when you’re in a corner with a man who isn’t overburdened with brains.

  4. “It’s just more evidence that white people have superior immune systems. Or many that blacks have inferior immune systems.”

    Assuming it’s even true than more of them are dying, stories like that are not supposed to say anything about immunity. The implication is that America is so systemically, inherently, irredeemably racist that black people die in far greater numbers just by living here — therefore America must end, and if you disagree with that, you’re a racist in favor of murdering black people.

  5. All the democrats need to do now is get a brief dose of decency to recognize that constant support of pedos and rapists is actually wrong. Then in a flash the DNC will usher in their appointment.

  6. @Blackie: The answer wasn’t readily available in a search (fancy that!), but I did find a law firm website that explains it in the context of the #MeToo movement and uses Harvey Weinstein as an example (ambulance chasers).

    “Generally speaking, no type of NDA can prohibit a person from reporting a crime. Courts have found that an NDA that attempts to bar someone from reporting a crime is against public policy.”

    Since sexual assault is a criminal charge (a crime, not a civil tort), it cannot be paid off and the victim cannot be silenced by an NDA. Sexual harassment, on the other hand, is generally considered to be a civil matter between the parties.

    Here’s the site I dug up:

  7. If she only said, “in joe biden’s office” and didn’t name Joe Biden, it could go bad for her. Because the DNC would just pay some guy who worked for him to say it was him, not Joe. And it was with her consent and she’s just mad because I dumped her, etc.

    Let’s see if Judicial Watch can get Biden’s records.
    Hunter Biden learned his whoring from somebody. lol


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