Today, May 8th, V-E Day is celebrated in America and Britain – IOTW Report

Today, May 8th, V-E Day is celebrated in America and Britain

History: On May 8, 1945, both Great Britain and the United States celebrate Victory in Europe Day. Cities in both nations, as well as formerly occupied cities in Western Europe, put out flags and banners, rejoicing in the defeat of the Nazi war machine during World War II.

The eighth of May spelled the day when German troops throughout Europe finally laid down their arms: In Prague, Germans surrendered to their Soviet antagonists, after the latter had lost more than 8,000 soldiers, and the Germans considerably more; in Copenhagen and Oslo; at Karlshorst, near Berlin; in northern Latvia; on the Channel Island of Sark—the German surrender was realized in a final cease-fire. More surrender documents were signed in Berlin and in eastern Germany. more

8 Comments on Today, May 8th, V-E Day is celebrated in America and Britain

  1. 75 +years ago, young Americans sacrificed their lives to save our freedom and our way of life. Today we are sacrificing our freedom and way of life to supposedly save the lives of our elderly. As an elderly American with at least one additional “risk factor”, I would gladly risk my life and health to preserve what is left of our economy and country for my children and grandchildren. It is my generation’s time to stand up.

  2. Whenever I read about how the world slipped into World War II just twenty short years after the unbelievable slaughter of all those young men in the Great War, I know that anything is possible in the world we are living in today. In the 1920s and 1930s, the United States sold the Japanese some of the scrap steel they dropped on us at Pearl Harbor. During this same time period, the British and the French allowed Hitler to violate the Versailles Treaty for fear of igniting another war. Communist China is far more dangerous than Nazi Germany or Imperial Japan, because of their nuclear weapons, and the Western World handed them the ability to destroy us. Live and never learn.

  3. Incidentally, if anyone wants to see the best documentary on Word War II produced in the last forty years, “The Price of Empire” is on Prime Video. It was made in 2015 and has 13 episodes that cover almost every aspect of the war in Europe and Asia. It’s absolutely amazing.


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