Report Finds Netflix Pushes Explicit Content To Minors – IOTW Report

Report Finds Netflix Pushes Explicit Content To Minors

Federalist> With streaming services setting their own content ratings, one leading parents’ advocacy group exposes how Netflix is targeting teens with explicit material far beyond PG-13 fare.

In new research, nonprofit grassroots advocacy group Parents Television Council (PTC) revealed that top streaming service Netflix has for years been marketing explicit content to minors.

Titled “Teen-Targeted Broadcast TV Can Be Vulgar… But Stranger Things Are Happening On Netflix,” the PTC report analyzed 255 Netflix titles categorized by the streamer as appropriate for teens. Half of those titles were rated either TV-MA or R, and even those rated TV-14 contained harsh profanities among other content concerns.

“This is deeply troubling news for families, given that Netflix use has surged with the coronavirus lockdown,” said Tim Winter, president of Parents Television Council, in a phone interview. “Explicit profanity like the ‘f-word’ is nearly ubiquitous on Netflix’s teen programming, revealing an apparent disconnect between what Netflix deems appropriate for teen viewers and what the average parent might consider appropriate.” read more

6 Comments on Report Finds Netflix Pushes Explicit Content To Minors

  1. It’s not just Netflix. Public school systems want to teach masturbation beginning in kindergarten here in Washington. And they are promoting same sex, naked bubble baths for 5&6 graders. These people are trying to destroy the lives of our children. What are they thinking?

  2. The murder rate in Chicago is soaring during the lockdown.

    a. i wonder how many of the people murdered are being counted as virus deaths

    b. leftards are claiming the murder rate is soaring because of white people, of course.

  3. Anyone still using Netflix has a broken moral compass, or worse.

    I left them some time ago for their deliberate pushing of all sorts of immorality in almost everything they produce.

  4. When my daughter was young in the 90’s I would not get cable because it carried the morally poisonous MTV that
    aimed its corruption at young teens.
    Same story, just a different leftist run “entertainment” trap for young minds spewing its filth and lies.


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