Praying Mantis Devours ‘Murder Hornet’ In Terrifying Video – IOTW Report

Praying Mantis Devours ‘Murder Hornet’ In Terrifying Video

KFI: Just when people thought 2020 couldn’t get any crazier, a report from the New York Times revealed that an invasive species of hornets, known as “murder hornets,” has been discovered in the United States. The hornets, which can grow up to two inches long, pack a powerful stinger that can puncture a beekeepers suit, and in rare cases, their venom can be deadly to humans.

Officials are concerned about the murder hornets’ arrival in the United States because they pose a significant threat to honey bees. The hornets are known to attack a beehive, where they bite off the heads of the bees and feed their thoraxes to their young.

While authorities are working on plans to eradicate the invasive species, a new video shows our best bet may be to release an army of praying mantises. The graphic video, which was posted on Twitter, shows a praying mantis, attacking a murder hornet and quickly subduing it, before feasting on its brain. WATCH

SNIP: Meh. The bee seemed sluggish.
Maybe even dying or dead.
So it’s not fair to say that the mantis whipped its ass.
Let’s see them fight in a cage match at full strength.

14 Comments on Praying Mantis Devours ‘Murder Hornet’ In Terrifying Video

  1. We found a black widow in our shop while cleaning up. Everybody wanted to squish her but I saved her and put her in a big bottle with rocks and a few sticks. I named her after the roach coach gal. She became the shop mascot. I fed her grasshoppers and crickets and an occasional cicada. Sherry became huge……The best part was betting the Mexicans when they wanted to put a wasp in with her….WWE, Wasp vs Black widow….The wasp had NO chance and I gladly collected the Mexicans money….I guess they didn’t follow spiderman comics or knew the power of the web…..

  2. They will be distinguished by fauxi, and scarf queen and The Who because it destroys the threat. Like the did with the chloroquine. Read about if you still can. YouTube and Facebook took it all down.

  3. I watch alot of bug wars on utube.
    Mantis does not fair well with MANY
    jungle Creepy Crawlers.Spiders & ants
    kick his ass… Like to see an Asian Hornet
    fly in on him in the wild.Murder Hornet, Ni**er Please!
    BTW= Be afraid of the millipede/centapiede.

  4. The name Murder Hornets seems to be a recent invention of American MSM.

    For about 10 years I’ve been reading Japanese websites about “mountain stream fishing” [渓流釣り, keiryūtsuri]and “headwaters fishing” [源流釣り, genryū-dzuri] Which is particularly remote areas high in the mountains that are difficult to get to. Requiring swimming through narrow gorges, or sometimes what they call “curtain climbing” or Sawanoboriri [沢登り] which is climbing up water falls.

    I’ve never seen the giant hornets called murder hornets. Only as “kiken seibutsu” [dangerous creatures, 危険生物].

    They are very cautious about them. Especially during seasons when the hornets are more aggressive. Get stung in a remote area it’s quite possible to die from the stings before they can get out to help. There is little danger from them near the stream. But away from the stream where they over night camp or hike is a different matter. The hornets seem to like the underside of bridges or old buildings that are seldom used.

    Here is one example.
    Headwaters camping, sawanoboriri & tenkara fishing. (the tinkling bells are to hopefully scare bears away and avoid becoming a bear’s lunch) .


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