Rick Wilson throws delicious fit when ad for his Never-Trump crusade is hit with a fact check – IOTW Report

Rick Wilson throws delicious fit when ad for his Never-Trump crusade is hit with a fact check

BPR: “Never Trump” Republican turned unhinged far-left zealot Rick Wilson squealed like an injured pig this week after he got hit with a fact-check from a left-wing fact-checker.

On Monday, he and four other “Never Trumpers” uploaded an anti-Trump ad to Facebook on behalf of their political action committee, The Lincoln Project. Soon after, FB decided to fact-check it. And according to FB’s fact-checkers, the ad was full of schiff. Look:

12 Comments on Rick Wilson throws delicious fit when ad for his Never-Trump crusade is hit with a fact check

  1. The lying begin in earnest when Obama got elected, all the empty praise and platitudes got them used to lying. But they thought it was good to lie for a good cause so when Hillary lost their lying hearts turned on Trump. As by now they chose to believe their lies and reject the truth. Now the left doesn’t even recognize the truth.

  2. Lies are all they have.
    This guy is a stooge. Only a stooge would appear on ANY media with Lemon. No shame. No self-respect. No integrity. No veracity. No honor. No decency.

    He can’t even argue his point – merely throws invective in his lame attempts at dissemblance.

    In a just world he’d be drowned in a vat of pig shit and left to the crows.
    (why I pray for MERCY – NOT Justice – as he should)

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. The name of this asswipes book??
    “Everything Trump Touches Dies”. Just the title alone is PURE PROJECTION and I cannot imagine the garbage after that.

    “Everything Liberalism Touches withers away”. There, fixed that for ya Riiiiiicky, ya lying shithead arrogant pompous elitist POS…

    The graffiti and the decrepit buildings you see in the beginning?? That is nothing new hear to see people, THAT started under the Choomer in Chief, NOT this POTUS. I only know because I have it documented, with my eyes…and my camera.

    I also would like to know which democratic controlled city(s) the are using to shoot those scenes.

  4. like any of care what this ass wipe says or thinks.

    he’s a legend in his own mind.

    lies are all they have

    schiff should be the nominee, he’s the best liar they have next to pelosi

  5. “The Trump allies at Facebook are censoring the (sic) ad”. BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!! Trump allies at Facebook. BWHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! That laugh was worth clicking on the link.


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