Sunshine Chickens – IOTW Report

Sunshine Chickens

Letting chickens get plenty of sunlight may help boost the vitamin D content of their eggs.


[…] In a recent study published in the journal Poultry Science, nutritionists and agricultural scientists from Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (MLU) in Germany reported a new and relatively simple way of increasing the vitamin D content of eggs: by exposing chickens to UV light. MORE

8 Comments on Sunshine Chickens

  1. There is an increasing amount of evidence that vitamin D (D3 for supplements and they are quite inexpensive) may be able to prevent the cytokine storm that causes organ failure in advanced Chinese Flu cases. Vitamin D regulates the immune system and modulates the immune response (among other things).

    A cytokine storm is basically where the immune system goes into overdrive and the molecules it produces start attacking the organs in addition to the viral invaders (it is well established that sufficient vitamin D levels can help prevent / treat the flu). This is what causes the inflammation that seems to be deadly in advanced cases of the Wuhan flu. Here are a couple of links for anyone interested.

  2. I let chickens out of the coop for a few hours a day to get sun in addition to some sun they do get in the coop. Used to let them roam all day long but the yard gets too torn up.

    Many Americans are vit D deficient. Found out I was several years back during a blood draw for a physical. Very surprising since my activities include a lot of time outside in sunshine. Doctor prescribed 50,000 IU pills. Did some research and discovered too much Vit D isn’t good for the body either. I tossed the prescription and instead took 5,000 IU over the counter D3 and a follow up check a month later my levels were within normal range. Also, K2 helps vit D work better in the body, some pills combine the two. Normally your body does store vit D, so there’s no need to take every single day. I take 5000 IUs every odd day and take a week off every month.

  3. Gee, that’s great for the eggs, but how about if people actually got outside? I’m amazed at how far removed the average person is from their environment.

    I’ve read that the majority of people in the northern hemisphere are deficient in vitamin D. I don’t doubt it, either. Also have read that during the winter months, the sun does not rise high enough to allow the human body to make Vit. D, as the oblique angle of the sun causes the atmosphere to block the necessary UV light. It was stated that the sun needs to be at a 50 degree angle or better, for the body to make the vitamin D. That happens in the month of May in the northern hemisphere. Supplements are available year-round.
    Someday, they’ll check out iodine. Almost everyone is deficient in that, too. And it is necessary for proper thyroid function. That is sort of important. Or, it used to be. And then they put fluoride in municipal water. No wonder nyc has so much Wubonic flu. No sun, concrete everywhere and treated water. It is almost like they want to decrease the efficiency of people’s immune systems.
    Didn’t they used to teach this kind of stuff in school?

  4. That’s because our fascist overlords want to coop us all up indoors but chickens (and muslims) are exempt. It’s time for people to be let out of confinement and allowed to free range and go back to work and everything else again.


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