California churches plan to defy Newsom’s orders, re-open May 31 – IOTW Report

California churches plan to defy Newsom’s orders, re-open May 31

Services will resume ‘on the day of Pentecost,’ possibly sooner.

Just the News: A consortium of churches in California has announced its intention to defy Gov. Gavin Newsom’s statewide stay-at-home order and re-open church buildings for services at the end of this month or possibly before that. 

Church United, a California group created to “change and shape the moral culture of our communities in California,” is promoting on its website a petition it calls a “declaration of essentiality for churches.” That petition, hosted on the website of religious law firm Tyler & Bursch, LLP, states that the signed churches “declare that on May 31, 2020, or sooner, we will resume corporate worship.”  more

11 Comments on California churches plan to defy Newsom’s orders, re-open May 31

  1. I almost think these control freaks actually enjoy intruding on your freedom of religion more than infringing on your gun rights. These people need to be taught a lesson.

  2. And not a moment too soon.

    The left has been hoping that, during this lockdown, people will “get out of the habit” of going to church. Some might—but even more will finally understand and appreciate what they are being prevented from doing. Somewhat similar to what has been happening in gun stores all across the land…

  3. What the HELL are we ‘waiting’ for here?? An arrest to occur?? Oh wait, that happened already, or at least we saw summons or citations being given. WTF? This is like being stuck in a proverbial purgatory, not being able to worship with you friends, your religious living family.

    How bout’ an arrest, en MASS? They certainly could not handle that, mentally or physically, the police or the leftists that hate us.

    And I cannot go to a mass tomorrow, in memory of my mom for Mothers Day?? Because of what?? Spineless pastors??? Or is that too harsh???

    Are the congregations too elderly to ‘deal’ with??

    Are not most churches capable of practicing ‘worship and assembly’ distancing in a fairly empty church to begin with??

    Is it possible to show up for church with a moderator at the door, to make sure that no more than a certain occupant level is achieved??

    They do this at Costco and Home Depot? Why not church? Whatever the size is.

    There are the smallest of beautiful country churches to the most amazing ‘urban’ cathedrals. Each is, geeeee, different, and should each be ‘treated’ the same?? Of course not. Just like states or counties are concerned, same deal.

    What about the mothers that died unnecessarily in those nursing homes?? ALONE!!!

    The left is literally killing us, but theirs is with a ‘vaccine’ shot instead this time.

  4. “Church United, a California group created to “change and shape the moral culture of our communities in California ….”

    This is the reason they were closed in the first place, and one of the reasons in the bag of reasons that the shutdown was initiated.



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