Nancy Pelosi: ‘Food Stamps…Stimulate the Economy’ – IOTW Report

Nancy Pelosi: ‘Food Stamps…Stimulate the Economy’

( – House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D.-Calif.) said at her press briefing on Thursday that food stamps “stimulate the economy.”

Pelosi made the observation while responding to a question she had been asked about the federal debt.

Nancy Cordes of CBS News asked the speaker: “The national debt hit $25 trillion this week, and I know there’s a lot of blame to go around for how much it has increased over the past decade or so. But, regardless, how much does the increase in the debt weigh on you as you try to decide how much money should go to state and local governments or whether you should put more funding into PPP? How do you, how do you weigh those decisions?”

At the beginning of her answer, Pelosi pointed out that she was a “pay-as-you-go person” who did not usually favor deficit spending. EYE ROLL

22 Comments on Nancy Pelosi: ‘Food Stamps…Stimulate the Economy’

  1. “…food stamps…direct payments…unemployment insurance, they stimulate the economy,”

    And tax cuts COSTS the government money…

    And the government doesn’t SPEND money, it “INVESTS” money…

    And we have to pass the legislation to FIND OUT what’s in it…

    And I promise to pull out before I…well you know the rest.

  2. Another ‘Cash for Clunkers’ program? Like that helped, Obama forced the closure of about 2400 car dealerships in the process, a previous destructive force…and farce, ‘shovel ready jobs’, just shoveling shit. The thing is you start the project, any project, with a spade, not a shovel.

    We cannot forget these things.

  3. Dear Nancy,

    JOBS stimulate the economy. Food stamps cost taxpayers. Government DOES NOT generate income, (except for corrupt politicians like you).

  4. Our money is borrowed into existence and then spent into the economy where it circulates until removed by taxation and paying off the original debt that created it.

    This means all government spending stimulates the economy since it add circulating money to it, how it is spent determines how and what part of the economy is being stimulated.

    No borrowing = no money, and no spending = no money in circulation to power the economy.

  5. Nazi Nan has made this point many times before. Considering we have allowed the federal government to subsume a third of our economy, and almost half our economy if you count state governments applying federal programs she may have a point.

    It’s all Monopoly money to them anyway. We lost this country to the cabal in 1913 and allowed the relentless leviathan we see today that can strangle our liberty and economy instantly in the face of a bio weapon.

    The upside is that Demonrats always overplay their fascism and just as the Chicago Jesus overplayed his transformation of America the Demonrats are overplaying their hands as they live out their most fervent Chicom Flu fantasies.

    They are rapidly educating and red pulling their own blue constituencies and PDJT as usual is triangulating them into oblivion in November.

  6. It should be terrorizing to actual taxpayers that this is the thinking of all democrats and RINOS. We’re still in the wake of the spinning flush of the end of America and these fools are speeding us up. America was great while it lasted.

  7. It’s not your money Nancy, but of course they all gave themselves a pay raise in the last bill or was it the bill before that? What have you really done for this country Nancy? Name me just one thing, except for stuffing your face with ice cream.

  8. NOTHING stimulated the economy like Donald Trump!
    That’s a proven Fact Jack!
    But to Bat-Shit Crazy Liberals: FACTS BE DAMNED!!

    “Shut Down the Economy” was their answer to a virus.
    Well any Asshole can shut down something. That doesn’t take any real skill to do.
    ANYBODY can hand out someone else’s money. That doesn’t take any real skills either!
    On the other hand, building something takes skill, knowledge, talent and experience. If there is anyone who can put the pieces of what’s left of our economy back together it’s Donald Trump! He made a good economy better. He is the one who can turn this disaster around… a disaster, by the way that the democRAT Misery Merchants are drooling over!
    Tell me that today’s democRAT party is not the embodiment of Communism!

  9. Nancy Pelousey is an idiot and she won’t even reopen Congress because she’s too much of a coward and a chickenshit to allow that to happen because they might actually have to work for the good (more than likely bad) benefit of a very pissed off country that’s not allowed to work because of democrap policies. I am becoming more and more confident of a political bloodbath that will stun the democraps this fall when they lose their asses because of overplaying this supposed crisis and pissing everyone off.

  10. Using that logic, counterfeit bills stimulate the economy.
    Not just term limits, but AGE limits, too.
    Our country is being controlled by evil, doddering old fools.

  11. Obvious she had the question in advance, she is reading from a teleprompter. She is going the way of Biden, preaching the New World Order BS.

    I don’t understand the wide spread stupidity of people that can’t understand, if you over tax corporations, that it gets passed on to the consumer anyway. To the people who can least afford it. Keep the poor people poor.

    I live in an agricultural area, try to get a farmer to realize they are on welfare, excuse me, subsided.

    Many of those that keep promoting tax the wealthy, already have their money hiding in a tax exempt corporations.

  12. One must take into consideration the fact that Nazinan Piglousi has been on a rapidly-increasing decline in her cognitive power. It was tad in the 90x, became obvious to the most casual observer in the 00s, and became full-blown dementia since her assumption to the role of de-facto leader of the demoncrap nationalsocialist party. Her presumptive successor, Alehandlebar Occasionally-Cogent, is even worse. AOC takes stooooopit into entirely new dimesions.

  13. Say foodstamps given away each year can buy (are worth) $50,000,000 of food. That value is taken from productive earners who would not spend it all on food, but invest some of it. Say half, or $25,000,000. That’s what strengthens the economy. That is putting money to work to create more wealth and more jobs. Food stamps buy food that just goes into a person’s top end, gets processed in the body, and as waste comes out of the lower end.

    It can’t be put to work to create value. It creates just gas and excrement.

  14. Say foodstamps given away each year can buy (are worth) $50,000,000 of food. That value is taken from productive earners who would not spend it all on food, but invest some of it. Say half, or $25,000,000. That’s what strengthens the economy. That is putting money to work to create more wealth and more jobs. Food stamps buy food that just goes into a person’s top end, gets processed in the body, and as waste comes out of the lower end.

    It can’t be put to work to create value. It creates just gas and excrement.

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