To clear up the confusion- – IOTW Report

To clear up the confusion-

This is from April, but it’s still true. I think. And now, it’s May.

6 Comments on To clear up the confusion-

  1. Well, there you have it. The experts know best what they think they know best what they want us to know what they want us to think they know best what their money donors want them to know best so they can tell us what we should know best so we will blindly accept what they think they know best so….

    I could go on and on, but you get the picture.

  2. That pretty much clears up the fuzzyness I had on Cov-19. In summary – NO one actually knows what the F*** is going on, which includes our great and powerful coin toss governors. Here’s my #1 safety tip for the year ahead – Better safe than dead!

  3. i heard a goat and piece of fruit also tested positive for the china lung rot as well in africa.

    well as i always say…

    we are being lied to every day in every way

    it’s supposed to rain today and be cold so i put off fishing with my grandson

    now it’s sunny and warmer than expected

    i hate the government weather forecasters.


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