Sunday Talks: Trey Gowdy Discusses DOJ and FBI Misconduct in Flynn Case: “It doesn’t have to go all the way up to the President” – IOTW Report

Sunday Talks: Trey Gowdy Discusses DOJ and FBI Misconduct in Flynn Case: “It doesn’t have to go all the way up to the President”

Conservative Treehouse: Trey Gowdy appears purple-tied on Fox News with Maria Bartiromo to discuss the ongoing DOJ/FBI revelations from document releases related to the Michael Flynn prosecution.

After numerous appearances in 2018 and 2019 proclaiming the integrity of Robert Mueller, IG Horowitz and FBI leadership, Trey Gowdy now holds a divergent perspective. Perhaps because he is now a paid Fox contributor, Ms. Bartiromo never asks Gowdy to reconcile previous assertions against current information.  Additionally, Gowdy says there’s no reason to take the investigation to former President Obama because the current spotlight reaches high enough. WATCH:

30 Comments on Sunday Talks: Trey Gowdy Discusses DOJ and FBI Misconduct in Flynn Case: “It doesn’t have to go all the way up to the President”

  1. Trey… dumb shit. It’s clear it does go to the President. Here you are once again being a mealy mouthed nobody trying your hardest to be on both sides of every fence.

  2. The grease in his hair is affecting, or infecting him?

    WHO is paying this guy? Oh wait, a FOX! A MULTI Billion dollar corporation is??

    Beginning to think this jerk is a bit disgruntled for trying to get into MAGA but the POTUS said, “uh, no thanks there Trey”.

  3. Why on on hand we have, on Fox, MariaB giving us all this OTHER GREAT information about what is going on with Flynn? Then? She has this bozo on??

    Can someone PLEASE explain?? There is a disconnect here. No?

    SO glad I do NOT watch tv(news). Yes, we watch the internet clips, links, DIG, etc… but my goodness…what a waste. Have not watched that BULLSHIT for ten years.

    (ssshhhh, we would rather LOVE to be able to watch, or listen to, a g-d dam baseball game on mothers day TOO, but we can’t right now!!!)

    Raaaannnting, me that is…

  4. Dear Mr. Goudy Doody,
    with all due respect, & realizing we are all fallible human beings, with sincerity, please go f*ck yourself … you 2-bit imitation of Linsey Graham

    … what is it w/ South Carolina giving us these 2 limp-wristed ‘swishes’? … couple of Dixie Cups

  5. Something to think about: Gowdy had access to everything that Devin Nunes saw and repeatedly said that info would make your toes curl. So, why wasn’t he in there duking it out alongside Nunes? Why was he soft-peddling some of the most important stuff all along? He and Chaffetz. Pffft. When they end up as talking heads on cable tee vee, you know all that nonsense about serving the people was just talk, too.

  6. He is a cabal member dressed in sheep’s clothing, he lost his soul to the dark side and is now just another satanic acolyte.

    He sold his integrity for 40 pieces of silver like many men do. I hope he is investigated along with Paul Lyin.

  7. Trey’s deeds the last 14 years prove he is a GWB loving’s Ronny hating UNIPARTY man. So of course he protects GWb’s acolyte BHO! The UNIPARTY has been united for 30 years.

  8. Oh do shut up, bloativating, lying RINO cocksucker. Assholes like you are the reason this country has been going down the shitter for the last 20 years. I suppose you spent plenty of time under Bathhouse Barry’s Desk, just like Lying Ryan, and that traitor Mittens.

  9. The Three Amigos, Paul Ryan, Gowdy, And Jason Chaffetz. What are the odds that all three of these traitors, protectors of our enemies, would all find employment at the one and only news network that most conservatives watch and trust. Something stinks.

  10. (a) corrupted: bought off and paid for
    (b) compromised: they got the Polaroids
    (c) CINO: he was always a liar, a plant, a sleeper for the Left

    Which do you think explains him and the rest?

  11. With due respect gowdy go take a flyer at a rolling donut.
    This absolutely goes all the way to oboxo bc he was behind and approved all the spying wiretapping and agency weaponization. We all know the penalty for treason. He is guilty as sin.

  12. “If I say a thing I know is not perfect truth, it is a flat perjury.”

    Mr. Gowdy,
    Do you subscribe to that?

    I had great respect for you, but the investigation should lead to where THE INVESTIGATION leads! See how that works?
    In plumbing, you attempt to rectify the problem by FIXING THE PROBLEM, not by covering it up. Plumbing rarely fixes itself. If you find water in the crawl space, you follow it until you find the leak – and then you FIX THE FUKKIN LEAK! – you don’t just lock the crawl space and walk away.

    May God have mercy on your soul.

    izlamo delenda est …

  13. @grool May 11, 2020 at 7:58 am

    With all due respect,

    CINO: he was always a liar, a plant, a sleeper for the Left

    is the very definition of Conservative™. According to the coiners (ka-ching!) of the lobbying, marketing, trade dress, name “Conservative”.

    Were they anything, but, The Loyal Opposition™ (all loyal, no opposition), of Progress™, they wouldn’t be Conservative™. Now, would they?

  14. obola, trey, paul ryan, so many others, should be water-boarded.
    They are enemy combatants.
    Certainly they’ve put their own interests over those of The People.

  15. Politics; Hollywood for the weird-looking.
    Trey (real name?) playing the role of a hard-working Conservative investigator.
    Unlike TV, the case not only isn’t solved in 48 minutes, it’s never solved at all.

  16. if trey gowdy is so smart why did he bail out of congress?

    he’s just as crooked as the rest of them, that’s why!

    “doesn’t have to go all the way up to obama”

    but it does!!!!

  17. How Gowdy fits into the plot line in this Kabuki Theater production isn’t exactly clear, but it is becoming more clear all the time. His roll appears to be subterfuge, making it appear that the Republican establishment is on the side of the American people while they are working behind the scenes with Democrats to dry shave the American people.

    He has gotten away with it for quite a while, but everyone should be onto his game by now.

  18. He talks a good game but scores no goals (Benghazi). Now he wants to protect 0bama from investigation? Kind of like Clinton was protected? What up wit dat?


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