Sword-Wielding Las Vegas Man Shot And Killed After Charging Police Officer – IOTW Report

Sword-Wielding Las Vegas Man Shot And Killed After Charging Police Officer

KFI640- A sword-wielding Las Vegas man was shot and killed after he lunged toward a pair of police officers. Two officers responded to a disturbance call at an apartment building and found 40-year-old Justin Charland standing near a second-floor stairwell yelling and wildly swinging around a large sword. read more

40 Comments on Sword-Wielding Las Vegas Man Shot And Killed After Charging Police Officer

  1. …y’know, it’s easy to laugh at this guy, just like I used to laugh when I saw that the right “to keep and bear arms” was ONLY extended to those who swore an oath to the King, thinking, “Gee, that’s SO medieval, in our free society ANYONE can keep and bear arms”.

    And it was true then, more or less.

    Ain’t so true NOW, is it?

    …strap on a sword if you want to find out.

    …but be prepared to lose your freedom and the sword, both for an indefinite period of time, if you DO so in public.

    …look at edged weapon laws…they are even MORE arbitrary and caprecious than GUN laws, vary more by State, and are MUCH more left up to officer and prosecuter discretion, and the judge will usually side with THEM…

  2. His sword appears to be a Japanese Katana, thy are razor sharp and extremely deadly, My first shot would have been to to his head, just to slow his forward progress.

  3. His mistake was probably attacking way too slowly and against a drawn gun.

    If you’re less than 10 or so feet away and have any idea what you’re doing, you can draw a sword (or knife for that matter) and kill your opponent before he has any chance of drawing a gun. If he already has the gun drawn you don’t stand a chance outside of him hesitating to pull the trigger and letting you get close enough to use it.

    FWIW, conditions are kinda bad in Vegas from what I hear, if he didn’t have the virus then he was probably having a breakdown from the virus lockdown.

    Either way that makes him a corona victim and he should end up counted as such in official statistics.

  4. Pro Tip. If you run across a Cop that still has the stock plastic “Ball in Basket” plastic sites on their department issued Glock, look out. Overwhelming odds are they don’t know how to shoot. Just like this guy. This cop would have missed the bad guy at 21 feet.

  5. Could have shot him in the leg and bled him out so you could talk to him later. Cops are only taught torso kill shots, their not looking for answers.

  6. Why did he have to shoot him three times??? Because 9mm is only good for target practice, and only those that squat to pee carry it for primary defense! I will only carry a 9 if that’s the only thing I can conceal. Usually it’s a .45 1911 with a .22 mag BLACKWIDOW backup.

  7. @Anonymous May 11, 2020 at 1:20 pm

    > If he already has the gun drawn you don’t stand a chance

    A chance to live? Or a chance to succeed?

    The former can be taken from you. The latter must be surrendered.

  8. @Justin Case

    “Because 9mm is only good for target practice”

    9mm may not be the best weapon of choice BUT, I’m willing to bet there are very few people that are willing to stand in front of one while it’s being discharged.


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