President Trump: I Hope You Had Fun Investigating Me – Now It’s My Turn – IOTW Report

President Trump: I Hope You Had Fun Investigating Me – Now It’s My Turn The Russiagate narrative has collapsed for what must be the millionth time (before the media inevitably tries to resurrect it).

In just the past week the charges against Michael Flynn were dropped, we learned that former President Barack Obama knew about the meeting used to entrap Flynn, and we learned from documents Adam Schiff really didn’t want released that everyone knew Russiagate was a myth from day one.

And as President Trump says, there’s much more to come on the Russia probe documents. read more

16 Comments on President Trump: I Hope You Had Fun Investigating Me – Now It’s My Turn

  1. I have complete trust in the President but doing investigations will take help from the DOJ and I think Barr is slow running the clock so I’d suggest installing Lt Gen Flynn. He’ll get some results and some payback!

  2. Sen. Matt Gaetz was SPOT ON the other night on Hannity when he called out Trey Gowdy and Paul Ryan who in the end didn’t help Trump those first two years against the Democrats lies!
    With Paul Ryan on the Fox board, will we EVER see Matt Gaetz on Fox again?
    I doubt it!
    Fox is SO far gone.
    I fear with still too many NEVERTRUMPER RINOS in DC will America to see JUSTICE?

  3. When it is certain that President Trump will win re-election, establishment Republicans will throw a lifeline to House Democrats guaranteeing Democrat control of the House for 4 more years.

  4. POTUS Trump WOULD NOT issue such a tweet unless he had already put on his ass kicking boots. Trump always says he punches back twice as hard.

    We should find a good viewing position and settle ourselves in for a very entertaining and satisfying rematch.

    I almost feel sorry for Adam Schiff.

  5. I’m waiting to hear the list of names & scheduled date and time for sentences to be handed down in federal courts.

    What goes around comes around. Right Valerie? As ValJar once said, “it’s our turn. Payback time”. It’s not to early to start shopping for prison PJs for yourself and close sedition conspirator associates.

  6. JDHasty, I have one word to say to the democraps “NUTS”. just like in the Battle of the Bulge the democraps have overextended themselves just like the Nazi’s did and will lose. The American people are like the 101st Airborne Division and refuse to lose to what is seemingly like an overwhelming enemy when they’re not. We as a people under President Trump’s leadership have become the new Battling bastards for freedom and liberty against the democraps and their illegal war on God, the Constitution, the American dream etc. thru their corona virus panic and shutdown of America. And the last time I looked we (free Americans and the free world) won and the enemy was defeated. It will be no different this time, because most Americans are righteously pissed off and don’t want to lose to these Godless, anti-American tyrants.


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