Obama’s staged “leak” rallies the troops and gives them their talking points – IOTW Report

Obama’s staged “leak” rallies the troops and gives them their talking points

Obama does not seem to have confidence that Biden can make the case against Trump, so Obama staged the leak of a “private” call denouncing Trump and Barr.

Legal Insurrection-

Within moments of the recent Russiagate documents release and the DOJ recommendation not to pursue the case against Michael Flynn, the left and MSM chorused nearly the same thing almost in unison: this is a travesty of justice!

And they weren’t talking about the wretched excesses of the state apparatus regarding the framing of Flynn, they were talking about the Barr DOJ and its suggestion regarding Flynn. read more

15 Comments on Obama’s staged “leak” rallies the troops and gives them their talking points

  1. Black democrats are third world racist fascist motherfuckers. It’s as simple as that. When the naive liberal schmucks let blacks take over the DNC, they turned the democratic party into a fascist, racist, third world Satanic movement. End of story.

  2. I like how the media all say Barky is “deeply angered” by the dropped case on Flynn. They’d never think to say Barky is “fuming”. Only Trump fumes.

    And speaking of fumes, Jerry Manderin, in those long pauses on the phone call, you could almost hear him taking a drag. He sounded really high, too.

  3. For all the good it will do the Jug Eared Jesus..

    Its PDJT and the patriots turn now and this marxist muslim America hating bastard will be in Gitmo by the time this is over.

    Prepare yourselves for riots as the arrest of the half black messiah will kick off the next civil war.

  4. And this is precisely why Chuck Todd and his producers took the tack they did. It was NOT a random occurrence or mere oversight the way they edited Barr’s comments. It was to facilitate Todd’s narrative, following that of 0bama’s, about “the rule of law” being in peril.

    This is what propaganda looks like.

  5. Obama is such a unlovable fraudster, a fake, his own mother abandoned him with her parents. He’s damaged goods. An undercover brother, America’s 2nd gay president. A liar, a cheat.

  6. @Cisco Kid May 11, 2020 at 3:48 pm

    > Prepare yourselves for riots as the arrest of the half black messiah will kick off the next civil war.

    Blacks in the streets. And patriots holding down their couches. Does not a “war” make.

    (Though, the bowties do make it dashingly civil.)

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