Podesta testimony: Hillary Clinton knew in 2016 about Russia dirt digging on Trump – IOTW Report

Podesta testimony: Hillary Clinton knew in 2016 about Russia dirt digging on Trump

Just The News: In recently unsealed testimony to Congress, former Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta acknowledged that both he and Hillary Clinton were aware that her campaign had purchase opposition research and was looking for dirt on Donald Trump’s ties to Russia during the 2016 election.

Podesta’s comments are the most direct acknowledgement about what Donald Trump’s opponent knew in real-time about the effort that ultimately became known as the Steele dossier.

In a second appearance before the House Intelligence Committee in December 2017, Podesta testified that Clinton likely didn’t know the names of the firm, Fusion GPS, and former British spy Christopher Steele who had conducted the research. But he said she and he were both cognizant of an opposition research effort to connect Trump to business dealings in Russia.

“I think she was — she knew that we had an — we had an opposition research staff in-house. We, the campaign, directly purchased some opposition research. And she knew I think in general terms that we were trying to figure out, which was not easy, what Mr. Trump’s financial relationships were, what his relationships might be to Russia and other former Soviet Union actors that, you know. But I don’t – I don’t think we – I mean, she wasn’t – you know, if I wasn’t, she certainly wasn’t sort of saying, ‘Who are your vendors?’ ” read more

13 Comments on Podesta testimony: Hillary Clinton knew in 2016 about Russia dirt digging on Trump

  1. If you really want to keep America free remember who told us VOTE CLINTON 10/16! The entire Rove/Bush clique!
    As long as the mastermind of the trump attacks is not “perp walked” out of his Tx. mansion the rest know they are secure. The rest includes the Clintons!

  2. “I mean, she wasn’t – you know, if I wasn’t…”
    If your teenage kid said that crap you KNEW he/she was lying.
    Lock ’em all up and throw away the key.
    “You’d be in jail”
    – Donald J. Trump

  3. Jethro
    I’m surprised he’s yacking as much as he is. And he doesn’t sound happy. He must smell something in the wind. And it’s not young children for once that sick bastard.

  4. Weasel words. They know exactly how to phrase things to avoid the truth. It takes a highly skilled prosecutor to know how and when to ask the right deposition questions to expose these kind of bastards. That’s why this is taking so long. You need to get certain people to spill the beans and then ask others pointed questions to get corroboration, expose more or to entrap themselves. And don’t waste our time with more “congressional hearings”. They are just there to allow these evil people to coordinate their stories.

  5. I’d have to go back and listen to what Powell said about this, but I think in her Hillsdale speech she talked about a fairly elaborate capture/file/retrieval system for the FBI’s 302s. I think she said something about it where if someone wanted to retrieve a 302 it was in a central system and you should just be able to request it (like a central library of sorts). She was making the distinction between a document that is supposed to be controlled and accounted for versus legal pad personal notes that could be under a pile on someone’s desk. I could be wrong, but I remember this pricked up my ears.


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