How To Groom A Siberian Husky – IOTW Report

How To Groom A Siberian Husky

ILoveMyDogsSoMuch: Siberian Huskies usually shed their coat twice a year. This usually means a lot of discarded fluff to clean up for the owners. Many Husky owners use the services of reliable groomers to help their dog get rid of all the unwanted hair in a hygienic manner.

In this video, we see Tagga, a 6-year-old Husky, getting his routine blow dry from his groomer. Tagga visits the groomer once every three months for a complete fur blowing session. But during this particular session, he was shedding an exceptionally huge amount of fur!

We see groomer Mike Vanderheyden as he begins blowing air into Tagga’s fur. The 44-year-old groomer patiently works through the Husky’s fur, but soon the entire room becomes engulfed with a mist of Tagga’s fur. It looks like a “fur storm” as Mike struggles to keep doing his job despite the “low visibility”! WATCH

h/t RightWingFeather.

26 Comments on How To Groom A Siberian Husky

  1. I always wanted to be a weight lifter in Alaska. Live the rural life, just pump iron and raise sled dogs. It would then be the life of a true Husky fucker…..

  2. Do we have any special IOTWers with special hair and yarn weaving skills?

    I need something woven with a friends hair.
    These hairs are in the 2 to 3 inch in length range.
    They were shaved and stored, super clean and fine.
    Maybe 6-8 Oz’s worth.
    I have some other hair in the 6 to 12 inch length range that I would like woven together into Yarn or other workable material.

    Looking for ideas, not email addresses or websites.
    Looking locally

  3. I had a Siberian once. Fantastic breed. Tons of energy, loyal and smart as hell. But the hair, holy cow. In the summer I could fill a large paper grocery bag EVERY day with shed. I kid you not. It’s a very cool dog but you better like to groom because if you don’t it gets all matted up and looks like hell plus it’s not good for the dog. That dog could and would sleep outside in a snowstorm for 8 hours and LIKE it ! Stick your hand into a bag of shed and it will be so hot that in just minutes you will have to pull your hand out from the heat. Amazing thermal qualities. Good old Maxwell Baranov Islander, family of The Big Red, the first American bred Siberian in the USA.

  4. Goodness gracious, and I thought it’s bad having a short hair pit bull that sheds the same amount of hair every single day during a scheduled 20 minute vigorous rub down. I never understood how the dog doesn’t run out of hair; it’s an endless supply that’s even worse in spring. Thank heavens for robot vacuums.

  5. My male Collie Buddy loved the vacuum cleaner, my golden retriever is deathly afraid of it and runs away or goes outside every time she sees me break out the vacuum cleaner. The cat just sits on my bed and stares at me when I vacuum.

  6. Wow, what a fur storm! Tagga was so good. He let Mike the groomer do the shaving without panicking. That’s great. I always wanted a Husky. One of my favorite type of dogs. But I grew up living in the Bronx in a two bedroom apartment with my parents and 2 other sisters. So having a dog was out of the question. I know one day I will definitely get one and can’t wait to take them for their first hair cut!

  7. One of ‘the’ most distinguishable doggies. There is no question when we see one.

    Does the black and white colors have to do with genes and snow??

    Oh and those eyes?!

  8. I’ve had two Samoyed dogs, same thing. Too heart broken after they died to get a third one. Both of them became big pals with my cats. It seemed odd to see them curled up together taking an afternoon nap in the shade. The underfur makes an interesting fishing fly dubbing.

  9. You should watch my Tervuren get the coat blow out, puts Huskys to shame.

    My groomer constructs whole dogs out of the leftovers.

    That’s why my other dog is a Ridgey…I gotta be able to see some furniture.


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