LA County Inmates Purposely Try To Infect Themselves With COVID-19 – IOTW Report

LA County Inmates Purposely Try To Infect Themselves With COVID-19


Gov. Gavin Newsom started this. He started releasing inmates from jail before their sentence was up and now he’s created a mess within the jail systems.

Inmates in the L.A. County jails are purposely trying to infect themselves with COVID-19.

The LA County Sheriff Alex Villanueva said they were able to gather video and evidence inside facilities that prove this claim.

In a recent video it shows inmates drinking from the same container that was already contaminated with an inmate infected with the coronavirus. They then hid the evidence as part of their scheme to get released from their jail. watch

4 Comments on LA County Inmates Purposely Try To Infect Themselves With COVID-19

  1. The Democrats are releasing their foot soldiers. In the list of prisoners released I’m sure you will find drug dealers and child traffickers. The other prisoners are a diversion. Those who have proven their worth to the party.
    Blocking the border and deportations has hurt their businesses. Why else would they be so pissed off. The Democratic party represents the new old school mafia. Sometimes it is selling businesses and material to China, sometimes it’s just good ole drugs,prostitution, and the cartel. The cartel owns somebody.
    Think about it.

  2. Have you noticed that anything the Left does rapidly turns to shit?
    That’s why they don’t have a sense of humor, but God does and they can’t stand anyone who laughs at their sad little ploys as they run their world off the rails.

  3. so the china lung rot has turned into the get out of jail free card

    who would have thought that would happen ?

    prisoner release is one of the more insane ideas ever practiced

    another example of cognitive dissonance being practiced by elected officials


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