Elon Musk Announces California Tesla Plant Will Restart, Says If Anybody Is Arrested It Should Be Him – IOTW Report

Elon Musk Announces California Tesla Plant Will Restart, Says If Anybody Is Arrested It Should Be Him

Daily Caller- Tesla CEO Elon Musk announced Monday the restart of Tesla’s Alameda County, California, production plant.

The billionaire entrepreneur also promised to “be on the line” with his workers and used Twitter to ask police to only arrest him if an arrest is required.

Musk’s announcement comes after Alameda County Public Health Department interim health officer Erica Pan said Friday that Tesla does not have the okay to reopen. read more

h/t RightWingFeather.

8 Comments on Elon Musk Announces California Tesla Plant Will Restart, Says If Anybody Is Arrested It Should Be Him

  1. Give credit where it’s due, he’s resisting (or at least saying he will and making it public) instead of just talking.

    So far, there’s been much, much more talk than action from those claiming to be resisting, maybe Musk can change that.

    And no, I don’t like him either. but at least he’s shooting the same direction I am so that puts him on my side for now.

  2. If CA had any spirit, they’d have dragged Newsom and his cronies out and hanged them long ago.
    The fact that Newsom still lives indicates that CA has accepted slavery, without regret – like most of the other states.

    Maybe ideas like “Freedom” and “Liberty” really ARE dangerous?
    I guess time will tell.
    A penned sheep seems just as happy as a wild sheep – at least it looks as happy.

    Living under Hitler wasn’t really any worse than living under Stalin.
    And Mussolini DID get the trains to run on time! No small feat in Italy.

    izlamo delenda est …


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