Tucker presses Gowdy on his Russia investigation record – IOTW Report

Tucker presses Gowdy on his Russia investigation record

Trey Gowdy, former Republican member of the House Intelligence Committee, breaks down the Russia investigation on ‘Tucker Carlson Tonight’.

21 Comments on Tucker presses Gowdy on his Russia investigation record

  1. Other than television interviews and press releases and such, is anything of significance ever going to come from this or are we just wasting time paying attention to it?

  2. “oh gosh no” Fuck you pal, you knew all along that the whole Russia collusion stichk was bullshit. You and that scum Ryan had the power to expose it and you skated. Fuck you. You could have been a hero but you took whatever goodie that dangled in front of you to keep quiet.

    If the Republicans in Congress were playing the same blood sport that the dems play, when we had both Houses!!, we could have set them back 20 years. But you took your 30 pieces of silver so fuck you.

    “oh gosh no” yeah

  3. He won’t dare insult the fbi or obama because his ability to make money off the deep state would be diminished. He’d have to get a real job for far less money.


    Turns out there is NO SCIENCE on ‘social distancing’. No peer reviewed science at all.

    Fauci the fucking fraud lied about that hydroychlor stuff to please the leftards and said there was no science, he lied about social distancing even though there actually is NO science behind it, he signed onto the gilead drug, even though The Lancet said there is no benefit to it, and the study that fauci the fucking fraud is using changed the study in the middle of the study, ( which in scientific terms is known as a SHENANIGAN), and he’s changed the goal posts from flatten the curve to ‘no more cases of the virus’.

    The worst part of it all? Trump absolutely has to know every bit of this and yet keeps that fucking fraud in charge of the country.

    The sooner this country implodes and collapses the better. We need to start over. Having self appointed lying dictators ruling over us is unacceptable.

  4. The high spot for Gowdy was as a prosecutor 25 years ago. Shows up on a couple of Forensics Files from back then. Now, spends more time at Ulta looking for hair-care products than he does actual work.

  5. Gowdy was a true disappointment. All hat, no head. Got to the bottom of nothing, mostly because he wouldn’t leave his written notes and follow the leads as they were spoken.

  6. This thing is much bigger and seditious than anyone will ever know. The Osmidgen/Obiden Co-conspirators didn’t put everything on paper or in emails. If 75,000 voters in a few states had not voted for Donald J. Trump, most of this would not have been exposed. What we’ve seen so far is just the trickle that precedes the flood. This is going to be known as Obamagate if it gets completely revealed in spite of the failure of all those investigations in Congress to get the job done.

  7. It seems to me Gowdy had a premonition all this stuff was going to come out and he didn’t want to be around to be blamed for his inaction. Now low information “news” consumers won’t make the connection. Never trust a pol.

  8. I watched this last night. Tucker made him squirm but Gowdy has his weak sauce excuses ready.
    Just before this I watched Sebastion Gorka’s interview with Matt Gaetz. They both called out Gowdy. I bet you won’t see Gowdy have the spine to talk to Gorka in public though.

  9. I saw it live. Tucker did his usual ‘Well, gosh, I’m confused’ and had the dates and the tapes ready. Ha! Don’t think I ever heard Trey Gowdy say ‘Um’ before. Don’t think I’ll be seeing him on Tucker’s show again either. Gowdy must have thought he was going to play the part of the hero on Team Fox, just like he did on Team Congress. Does he not watch Tucker’s show?

  10. @Anonymous 12:10pm:
    That’s part of Tucker’s charm: he pays no attention to his hair, spends his time on research and perfecting that little tilt of the head when he says, “huh,” like he’s actually trying to process his guest’s lies.


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