Mike Garcia is now the favorite in California’s 25th congressional district – IOTW Report

Mike Garcia is now the favorite in California’s 25th congressional district


It must have killed the HuffPost to report it on Saturday, but in California’s 25th congressional district, Republican candidate and former fighter pilot Mike Garcia is slated to beat Democrat politician Christy Smith in the Tuesday election to fill the seat. The seat is vacant because freshman Democrat Katie Hill had to resign when she admitted to various romantic relationships with sundry associates, many of the assignations held during working hours and using federal time and resources.

HuffPost: “Absentee ballot returns and internal polling from both parties indicate that Mike Garcia, a GOP former fighter pilot and defense industry executive running with Trump’s endorsement, is now a clear favorite over Assemblywoman Christy Smith, ‘There are no two ways to slice it. We are down right now. Republicans are turning in their ballots faster than Democrats. We might just lose this toss-up election,’ said a Smith aide in a letter to supporters.”

Thus, as the Democrats pound the president for allegedly botching the coronavirus response, a Trump-backed Republican in a Democrat district is winning the race and the argument. read more

18 Comments on Mike Garcia is now the favorite in California’s 25th congressional district

  1. …Democrat Katie Hill had to resign when she admitted to various romantic relationships with sundry associates

    We don’t know that they were romantic relationships. We do know that they were fornicating relationships.

    Navy pilots are good in my book. Navy fighter pilots are plus good. Navy night carrier operations fighter pilots are double plus good. Good going, Garcia!

  2. Uncle Al
    MAY 12, 2020 AT 1:01 PM

    “Navy pilots are good in my book. Navy fighter pilots are plus good”

    …not to rain on your parade, but Songbird McCain…


    (Getting hard to find this one, wonder why?)


    …not every man is a John McCain, but not every man in a particular occupation, however virtuous, is worthy of if, just sayin’…

  3. @Supernightshade — Yeah, Wet Start was indeed a noteworthy exception. I know all about his fatal Forrestal explosion and fire, in addition to his subsequent general assholiness. May he burn in Hell.

  4. …don’t see why, @Bad_Brad, I’m not saying ALL Navy pilots are John McCain, just that John McCain proves that dishonorable people can be in honorable professions, and that you need more information about someone than how they made a living. There’s doctors that torture, nurses that kill, firemen that burn houses down, and policemen that actually DO shoot unarmed people in the back.

    Doesn’t mean the profession or everyone in it is bad, just points out that not everyone in a given profession is good.

    …but sure, strafe my house over butthurt. Why not. I’m such a player in politics and so many hang on my every word /s

    But wait till the bar behind my house reopens, please, then those trigger fingers could do some GOOD if they carry over a bit to the East after finishing me off…

    …Shame they couldn’t have done that for Songbird, if they were that offended by HIM.

    …perhaps they could read this first, if they want to evaluate how much I hate their comrades…yeah, it’s a Marine, but I haven’t had cause to eulogize a sailor lately, and hope I never do…


  5. Everyone has already said what I was going to say. He is ahead until the vote harvesting and trunk loads of ‘absentee’ ballots are counted.

    Just like Bad_Brad said, “Yea, last time around we had about 12 GOP candidates that were declared victorious on election night and then a week later we were told they actually lost.”

    I have been emailing President Trump since the 2018 election voter fraud (in more states than just CA) caused the House to flip for Democrats. I don’t know why nothing has been done. I pray that something has been done and we just haven’t been told.

    I still won’t rejoice until a month from now; just in case the vote harvesting takes longer than expected for the left to fill them all out for the Democrat candidate.

  6. SNS

    “…don’t see why, @Bad_Brad, I’m not saying ALL Navy pilots are John McCain”

    Wada ya think? 50%? 37% 22%? How about less than 1%. I’ll go out on a limb here and say the overwhelming majority of United States Navy pilots are a cut above. Honorable Patriots. Men to be admired.

  7. …again, @Bad_Brad, I’m not sure why you are viewing this as an indicment of Navy pilots in general. I never did say that McCain was in any way representative of the profession of Navy Fighter Pilot, only that he WAS one.

    My one and only point, that I have said in each of these three comments on the subject, is that it’s not good enough to ME that you are a (Fill In The Blank) for me to vote for you, I need MORE information about you before I personally will consider you for a vote, ESPECIALLY after what we’ve seen from RINOS like McCain in recent years.

    We don’t disagree that “(T)he overwhelming majority of United States Navy pilots are a cut above. Honorable Patriots. Men to be admired.” AT ALL. They certainly ARE, they have a VERY tough job and do it VERY well…but it doesn’t follow that EVERY SINGLE ONE is fit to lead, any more than EVERY SINGLE DOCTOR, EVERY SINGLE ELECTRICIAN, or EVERY SINGLE MEDIC is fit to lead.

    The point is that, yes, I’m glad you’re a Navy Pilot. Well Done, Sir. Now, what ELSE can you tell me about yourself?

    I’ve worked with MANY Navy men over the years. I once had a Navy boss that hired Navy men just for being Navy men. Some were very GOOD at civiliain occupations, some were NOT so good, and ONE guy wired a drive so it blew the side of a machine off into a crowd of incoming line workers, and that same guy left a 480 wire loose on a door cylinder that I almost got fried by becuase he said it was done and it most assuredly was NOT and never HAD been.

    The only thing that saved me THEN was that I didn’t automatically believe EVERYTHING someone told me, regardless of what they did or who they were in the past.

    And I think a little scepticism along these lines is a GOOD thing.

    FWIW, my wife’s uncle served on the USS Bon Homme Richard as an aircraft mechanic, did very well, had a chestful of medals that his widow buried him with just last year and a drawerful of commendations besides, plus his car had a Tonkin Gulf Yacht Club license plate frame on it the whole time I knew him. I don’t know too much about jet mechanicing, but HE certainly did. He was a good man, but he was also pretty loud and careless, stole things from his brother’s house after he died, and his own son hated him for reasons that don’t belong here, but were kind of valid although he probably should have let it go when his father got older, so I know a little something about whereof I speak as well. Not the devil, but not an angel either.

    You may do as you will, but I, for one, will remember that NONE of these men are named Jesus Christ regardless of what they’ve done in the past or how well they did it, and evaluate accordingly…

  8. Christ I’m bored. You guys must have the electricians out at your shop too.

    I even tried banging out a fender on the concrete floor. They still working.

    Neither of them are named Jesus.

  9. …John McCain was a Navy Pilot. For better or worse, John McCain was a Navy Pilot.

    John McCain was NOT good. John McCain was NOT plus good.

    Being a Navy Pilot did not mean John McCain was good.

    Not an indicment of Navy Pilots. Just pointing out, again, that simply being a Navy pilot doesn’t make you good.

    And Navy Pilot John McCain got to be a very, very powerful man. Mostly, because he was a Navy Pilot.

    …and THAT, in a nutshell is why I don’t say that “Navy Pilot = Good”

    That is ALL.

    And I still don’t understand why you believe I mean any more by it.

  10. remember … 50% of all pilots finished in the bottom of their training class


    (unless it’s the Creeper, Joe Biden … he finished in the top 3 spots in his class … just ask him)

  11. “You guys must have the electricians out at your shop too.”

    Nope, but I’m milling a 29 inch part in a 30 inch travel machine, removing lots of material, and just shot the side door of the machine across the shop. That was unusual.

  12. UNCLE AL

    100% right! “Navy pilots are good in my book. Navy fighter pilots are plus good. Navy night carrier operations fighter pilots are double plus good”!

    If you could not get cannon fire from the ships – Naval pilots were not only the best but by far the best. Cannon fire was the best. Not just the opinion of this Chink killer but a man who 20 years ago had 4 stars on his flag – Tony Zini. tony was in Nam 16.5 months; so in JFK tours that in 8 tours!

    I still have a H— O- For the air force cowards! Naval pilots were so close you could see the blue or green of the iris. Air force cowards were 5,000 yards up ! So high that they could not differentiate “Feld Grau” from “Olive Drab” and the bas—s killed 2 good Jarheads! I will go to migrate mad at good men killed by cowards on “My Team”!


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