Washington State will force restaurants to keep customer logs to help with contract tracing – IOTW Report

Washington State will force restaurants to keep customer logs to help with contract tracing

The establishments will have to keep the logs for 30 days.

Just The News- The state of Washington as part of its economic reopening plan will require restaurants to keep detailed files of every customer that comes in – an effort to help the state track down and possibly quarantine anyone who may be suspected of having coronavirus. 

As part of “Phase 2” of the government’s staggered reopening, the state will order restaurants to “create a daily log of all customers and maintain that daily log for 30 days, including telephone/email contact information and time in.”

“This will facilitate any contact tracing that might need to occur,” the government directive states.  read more here

55 Comments on Washington State will force restaurants to keep customer logs to help with contract tracing

  1. Democrats are Satanic fascists, and people better prepare to do more than just argue with them. They want to destroy our society completely. They are a deadly enemy and should be treated as such by all people who value liberty and opportunity. And I mean the opportunity to be self-sufficient rather than be dependent on handouts like some useless shitbag democrat voter.

  2. Like suicidal Costco, a lot of folks just won’t go to restaurants. This works to the government’s advantage – Democrats depend on dependency for power.

  3. So just make up a fake name and information when you check in and pay with cash. I’m not that paranoid, but it would be fun.

    Marie Antoinette Tel BR-549 givea_effF@AOL(dot)com …..had the Thai shrimp salad and three Mojitos. John Wick was my luncheon companion.

  4. MAF
    MAY 13, 2020 AT 9:07 AM
    “ya vol”

    …the correct spelling is “Jawohl”, it means “Yes, Certainly”, with an overtone that you are seeking to mollify a superior.

    …so appropriate for liberals in mood, but probably too “European” for their CURRENT tastes, perhaps 当然 (dāngrán) would be the way to go NOW…

  5. Records are not your friend. Records are not your property. You can be prosecuted for destroying records. So why would anyone volunteer to make any record?

  6. …if this comes here, all MY favorite restaurants will see an increase in visits from Rusty Shackleford, Robert Terwilliger, Ivan Gottasecret, Alias Undercover, Barry Soetoro, Joseph Bidet, Francis Uther Charles Kreimer and his wife Yolanda Olivia Uhura…

  7. Records are not your friend
    MAY 13, 2020 AT 9:37 AM
    “Records are not your friend. Records are not your property. You can be prosecuted for destroying records. So why would anyone volunteer to make any record?”

    …absolutely true. I work in a HEAVILY regulated business. If you show the Govenment a record ONE time, they want to be able to see it FOREVER, and even if YOU created it for your own purposes, once THEY find out about it, you’ll have to ask THEM for permission to CHANGE it…

  8. What’s the reason why they’re trying to destroy restaurants? It’s pretty obvious they are trying to do that, they were the first ones they wanted practically shut down, now they can’t serve a full menu and are having to raise their prices due to the cost of what food they can get and forcing them to track their customers.

    My best guess is restaurant workers would be the first to have to go on welfare, the more you have on welfare the more people you control.

  9. Rick
    MAY 13, 2020 AT 8:53 AM
    “…What’s next, tattoos?”

    …yup, once they pick a ruler for us from the East at the Convention, tattoos will follow, and you won’t be able to buy or sell without them. You’ll have your choice of getting it on your right hand or forehead, though, so there’s that…

    …weird thing is that they don’t really identify you specifically, since everyone will have the same number, but it’s for your safety so you WILL be expected to comply…

    “16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:

    17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

    18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.”
    Revelation 13:16-18

  10. “I’ll just use my brother’s name.”

    I wonder if they’ll be required to check drivers licenses or State ID’s to verify their records?

    FWIW, local Walmart’s here (maybe everywhere) are requiring a DL or official ID to buy ammo, even a box of .22’s, who you are, where you live, what caliber(s) you have, etc. is all collected that way.

  11. I can see a list of names now:
    Abby Normal
    Mickey Mouse
    Frank N Stein
    Wassa Matter U
    A Boy Named Sue

    And that phone number is going to get SUCH a workout!
    What number? Why, 867-5309, of course.
    (this will be SO much fun to watch. where’s the popcorn and drinks?)

    Oh, and don’t forget to pay in CASH. Beautiful, untraceable cash. Welcome everywhere.

  12. Big brother can track you anywhere with your smart phone. 90% of patrons will pay electronically. This is all about control. Again. It’s a common theme with these bastards.

  13. @ SNS
    If they hold you down and put the number on you, you did not take it, they would be putting it on you. Not the same thing. You are not lost or condemned in any way. It is an ID number to control. We win, even Satan knows this.
    Time is short.

  14. “Beautiful, untraceable cash. Welcome everywhere.”

    Not everywhere anymore, and someone in government will come up with something that will identify it as a vector for virus transmission and make its public use restricted if it starts gaining more widespread use to avoid records being kept.

  15. Toenex MAY 13, 2020 AT 10:24 AM
    @ SNS
    “If they hold you down and put the number on you, you did not take it, they would be putting it on you. Not the same thing. You are not lost or condemned in any way. It is an ID number to control. We win, even Satan knows this.
    Time is short.”

    …which is why they WON’T. It will just be impossible for you to legally work or buy food without it. They won’t FORCE it on you, but once your wife and kids get hungry enough, you and your family get kicked out of your house for “Taxes”, and they’ve taken all your weapons away so you can’t hunt, well…

    “Mercy is a chimera. It can be defeated by the stomach rumbling its hunger, by the throat crying in thirst.”
    -Frank Herbert, “Dune”

  16. and the records will likely need to be ‘turned in’ to show compliance.
    if they are able to do this, they’ll move on to real time data entry, and they’ll supply the tablets to do it.

    hey- why don’t they trace this dinner meeting:
    Mueller’s ‘Russian’ Spy Dined with Hillary? Had Ties to Italian Secret Service!

    the only tracing they have done, or will do, that is related to the clintons, is making those crime scene outlines of where the bodies were found.

  17. Hugh Jazz & Mike Litorus, had 2 Pork Hocks

    Mike Hunt & Ben Dover, had the Aspic

    Oliver Klosoff & Mike Hawk, had the spotted dick for desert

    Jenny Tylah & Phil Accio, both Smoked hog

    Leave your phone at home.

    More fun this way!

  18. To everyone who said they are trying to destroy businesses and the economy. You are absolutely correct.
    Here in Maine the Senate President, Troy Jackson said the Democrats and the Governor don’t want to end the state of emergency because it could jeopardize their chances at more relief (bailout) money. And Janet Mills has petitioned the Feds to be able to use the money that’s been sent already for things other than Chinese Virus issues.

  19. They are setting this “crisis” in the concrete of new laws.

    In a few years we’ll be further institutionalized in the big house of their statism and just like people now very barely remember more civilized days when people could just walk into an airport without any noticeable security apparatus anywhere (because our real security was in the civilized norms we all shared and we could easily depend on throughout the civilized world), people will forget there was once a time before the state became our great protector.

  20. @ TheMule May 13, 2020 at 8:59 am

    I am slowly, finally, welcoming many in the middle to my world.

    I have been posting that it is a fool’s errand to EVER concede “good intentions” to progressives. People are finally waking up and recognizing that this whole COVID lock-down thing is a leftist’s wet dream come true.

    They are on the offensive and drunk with power. That only ever ends in increasing innocent human suffering, misery and death and when they achieve critical mass it ALWAYS ends in genocide.

    Thank God, people are finally paying attention. Many have been so Goddamned naive and impassionate when it is someone else’s oxen that are being gored. Many/most on the left were cheering. Now, it isn’t so funny to them when their lives may be reduced to shit, is it?

    The fucking morons go on these catered and pampered get away vacation to live “a simpler life” and think that is what savagery is like. Goddamned losers are getting a taste of the medicine they had prescribed for society and are not liking it at all.

    Their medicine is Jack Kevorkian’s medicine, it always is. They thought they would be among the masterminds controlling everyone else and marching them into a hell on earth.

    If anything good comes from this it is going to be widespread recognition that the progressive movement’s “good intentions” are subterfuge and pretext to destroy that which is good. They are what they are and it is high time they get full recognition for their inhumanity.

    Remember folks, the progressive movement’s own contemporary periodical literature cheered as the National Socialists rose in stature, cheered as they gained power, cheered as they consolidated their power and cheered as they took over Europe. It wasn’t until Operation Barbarossa that they pivoted and tried to rewrite history.

    This SAME EXACT scenario has been replayed many times during the last century and we saw it fairly recently regarding what they did to Venezuela.

    They absolutely worship innocent human suffering, misery and death. It is what motivates them. NEVER concede “good intentions” to them, they have history to look back on and their intentions MUST be judged by their unyielding drive to replicate that and unleash the next catastrophic wave of genocidal murder.

    Every one of these super efficient machines of innocent human suffering and terror has had the support of the progressive movement as they rose in stature and consolidated their power. They cannot claim that they had good intentions when the results of their obsessive drive to commit genocidal atrocities had played out and was documented for all to examine.

  21. Eating out IMHO is more dangerous than catching the corona. There’s cockroaches, rats, customers/employees not washing their hands after using the restroom. People who wear a face mask (Maxi-pad brigade), touch their mask then their eyes. #1 place where viruses enter the body. I won’t eat out anywhere, been on too many cruise ships to know what goes on in a restaurant. Norovirus for one.

  22. Is my stupid jackass governor Inslee going to force this on fast food restaurants too. Good thing that I live close to Idaho so I can eat freely at their restaurants without all the bs regulations in Washington state. Hello Post Falls and Couer d’ Alene, they’ll gladly take all of the restaurants business away from the Spokane area and they’re less than a half hr. away from here. The Brown Bear deli in Post Falls makes great sandwiches for a reasonable price.

  23. If the gov’t wants to have info for contact tracing, then the gov’t needs to provide its own resources to do it especially since it (probably) doesn’t include any parameters of who is allowed to see that information, where that information resides, how and when that information is destroyed, or if it is audited to ensure its destruction. At a minimum, who protects the customer from the restaurant owner or their employees from using this data for their own purposes? With a name, address, phone number and a credit card number, you can open any kind of purchasing account on the web or across town using a telephone. This is a personal information and security nightmare!

    There’s another important legal question here, regarding the 4th Amend, I think. We have the right to be secure in our persons and papers.

    Requiring a business to do the work of collecting data on customers is not the same thing as requiring businesses to provide info on their employees for tax purposes or to validate legal citizenship. I’m pretty sure if someone sued Inslee over this it would be thrown out by the court.

  24. Why do I feel like I’m a prisoner in my own state? I love Wash. state just not the Puget Sound area anymore. Set us free to go about our business without interference, this is getting ridiculous and Inslee has no right to tell me what I can and can not do, nor does Bob Ferguson our AG. We’re lucky in Spokane County that our Sheriff Ozzie Knesovich will not side with the state on any illegal enforcement of unconstitutional laws and overreach of governmental authority.

  25. Kevin R. MAY 13, 2020 AT 1:22 PM
    “I wonder if that information will required under threat of perjury?”

    …it’s perjery if the democrats SAY it is (see “Obama’s” comments on General Flynn).

    Laws don’t matter, just your political affiliation does.

    Ask Soviet Russia or Modern China how THAT works…

  26. Billy Fuster MAY 13, 2020 AT 1:36 PM
    “In addition all diners must hop on one leg while eating their food.”

    …if you can hop on the MIDDLE one, you get a special, personal interrogation from “Obama”…

  27. Cynic MAY 13, 2020 AT 1:47 PM
    “My name is Jack Mehoff and I’d like the “cream of sum yung gai””

    …should probably avoid that in liberal enclaves, particuarly ones like San Francisco, you may get BOTH of those things if you use that line THERE…

  28. Kcir – China is asshole – but so are we! MAY 13, 2020 AT 11:02 AM
    “Hugh Jazz & Mike Litorus, had 2 Pork Hocks

    Mike Hunt & Ben Dover, had the Aspic

    Oliver Klosoff & Mike Hawk, had the spotted dick for desert”

    … I work for a company whose British division produces Spotted Dick (the grocery store kind) so I know what you’re talking about, but most of we Southerners (to you) would probably benefit from a Canadian English to American English translator for your dishes…

    (They make a “tinned” haggis too. It’s vile. But that’s probably because haggis is ALWAYS vile…)

  29. Best to leave your smartphone at home, if you plan to use a fake name and phone number when dining out. Your phone is a virtual tracking device. Use cash to pay for the bill. Reaturants will have no choice but to comply with state mandates if they want to operate.
    I know President Trump wants to avoid acting as a overlord by demanding states open and forcing blue state dictators to stop these communist anti-constitutional tactics, but he may have to soon. The country cannot fully recover with Deep State enclaves causing economic chaos all over the country.

  30. The whirlwind Chuck Schumer was talking about is in action with the scorched-earth policy. They don’t care how many lives and businesses are distroyed. The left is going to get smoked with everyone else. Then will try and blame Trump. 33 million less people not working in the last 2 months. That’s a lot of pissed off people. Is this starting to blow up in their faces?


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