Trump Halts Plans to Invest U.S. Federal Retirement Funds in Chinese Companies – IOTW Report

Trump Halts Plans to Invest U.S. Federal Retirement Funds in Chinese Companies


President Trump has ordered a board not to go forward with a plan to invest United States federal employees’ retirement savings in an index that includes Chinese firms, some of which are involved in military activities, espionage, and human rights abuses. read more

9 Comments on Trump Halts Plans to Invest U.S. Federal Retirement Funds in Chinese Companies

  1. Don’t worry, Turdeau will bend over for them and “invest”.

    Turdeau, Pledged aprox. $850 Million (over 10 years)to the UN & WHO effort to combat WHU FLU within a week of Trumps decision to withhold $900 million per year. The media makes it look like he is replacing what President Trump & the USA have taken back by not mentioning the time periods. (You have to dig for that info)

    The Turd & Europe are terrified that under Trump, they will have to wait and be further reliant on CHYNA for medical solutions if Trump’s AMERICA FIRST mantra is followed.

    Sincerely, Where do these people get the balls to feel that deserve what they have not worked for, paid for, or planned for.

  2. When I took economics courses in the early 2000’s I saw that one of the great moral shortcomings of the “New Economists” is that they completely disregard the human & political side of all things financial.
    Just as I opposed the Most Favored Nation Trading Status for China (and I hold Bob Dole personally responsible for that fiasco due to him leading the charge) on the grounds of “but what happens when they no longer care about the dollar?” I support President Trumps (MILST) decision on this matter.
    How many businesses here in the US will literally have their doors locked shut because they are owned by the Chinese and the CCP no longer cares whether it provides a profit? Golf courses, strip malls, theaters, meat packing plants, et al.
    These people who promote the “invest in this without contemplating the moral & political ramifications” should be tarred & feathered and driven out of town at the end of pitchforks.

  3. I hope the government (including mine but I doubt it) is preparing legislation to seize/freeze every dollar and every stick of property in the country owned by any company affiliated how every slightly with the Chinese Government or Army (and just about all of them are) pending the outcome of the thousands of lawsuits that will be filed against China. The US needs to be prepared for the Chinese to seize every US company operating in China but that should just spur the repatriation to these firms back to the US.

    In addition he should be preparing legislation forbidding the Chinese to invest in US companies (with all the cash they have you can bet they’re hoping for a fire sale) until a full investigation of the Chinese Virus incident is complete and lawsuits have been settled and a plan to stop further instances has been developed and approved by those countries that were damaged by it.

  4. scr_north – Turdeau is already bent over with his face in the feather pillow presenting himself. He will do nothing but kick a bit of sand behind Trumps back for national recognition.

    I assume you may be my longitude. Good luck and stay well.


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