Rep Gohmert Asks Trump to Pardon the ‘Biden Four,’ Imprisoned for Baghdad Shoot Out – IOTW Report

Rep Gohmert Asks Trump to Pardon the ‘Biden Four,’ Imprisoned for Baghdad Shoot Out

PJ Media: A group of US Congressmen has asked President Trump to pardon four former Blackwater contractors who were involved in a shootout in Baghdad’s Nisour Square in 2007, at the height of the insurgency.

The four were guarding a State Department official when they claim an insurgent tried to run their checkpoint and began firing. The four contractors, all decorated military veterans, claimed they came under small arms fire and returned fire. Seventeen Iraqis were killed.

The four contractors, Nicholas Slatten, Paul Slough, Evan Liberty, and Dustin Heard, initially had the case against them tossed out due to prosecutorial misconduct, but then-Vice President Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton pushed for the Department of Justice to retry them to curry favor with Iraqi officials. The civilian jury convicted them of the wanton shooting of innocents in the Baghdad square. One of the defense attorneys labeled the guilty verdicts “incomprehensible.”

The New York Times described the dearth of evidence against the four,

Prosecutors said the shooting was unprovoked. But with little forensic evidence and no ballistics linking any gunman to any victim, the case came down to the testimony of witnesses. Many told conflicting stories, forcing prosecutors to urge jurors to believe some aspects of their own case and discount others.


10 Comments on Rep Gohmert Asks Trump to Pardon the ‘Biden Four,’ Imprisoned for Baghdad Shoot Out

  1. This seems to be a recurring theme:
    Several jurisdications/authorites review the case and correctly determine no charges should be filed.
    Then along comes the “right” prosecutor who just happens to “find” the “right” district and they destroy the intended target only by suppressing evidence and twisting testimonies out of context.

  2. @Bad_Brad – this is only ONE of the many things, Gen Flynn was ready to spill the beans on about that failed operation. It might not be resolved before the election (this unfortunatley is a back burner issue right now) but IF and when DJT is elected again? That is when we will get to some truths, I hope.

    Amb Chris Stevens – DoS
    Sean Smith – USFS
    Colin Doherty – AIC
    Tyrone Woods – AIC

    And this for a refresher:

    I would LOVE for Shillary to EAT her fucking words…

    “What difference, at this point, does it make” (with hands thrown up in the air).

  3. ghost of brig gen j glover

    That’s a very good point. With what Flynn knows just about Benghazi, I’m surprised he’s still breathing. I sure am getting tired of justice delayed.
    Mean while, I just went back and researched these 4 and yea they were sold out by our government too. By Biden specifically. We need to take guys like Biden and drop in someplace hot with a radio and an M-4 and tell him have fun. Then he can judge guys like this.

  4. then-Vice President Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton

    How extreme a filthy communist, do you have to be, to claim there’s some, any, difference between a United States mercenary, and a United States an hero?

    Would a United States an hero be persecuted for killing a village, to… uhh… for reasons!?

    Filthy! Stupid! Communists!

  5. @Bad_Brad May 13, 2020 at 12:39 pm

    > Then he can judge guys like this.

    I haven’t seen such devoted “urban” pedestal licking, since the BBC section of Italian PornHub started charging, again.

  6. @Bad_Brad – you just can’t get rid of the greatest ‘spook’ of the last twenty five years, JUST like that.

    I am convinced he IS and has long been protected by those that have served under him before…no doubt on this one.

    For instance? I’m not even comfortable myself to know where that ‘Flag vid’ was taken, and I am NOT going to say here out loud, but I know for a fact where that is…

    IF YOU personally are interested? Send a note to @BFH. HINT: it involves access to a beach for… surfing!

    Gen Glover

  7. “then-Vice President Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton pushed for the Department of Justice to retry them”

    the only way these criminals will ever see justice is if the citizens take it into their own hands to administer it


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