Let California Twist in the Wind Without a Bailout – IOTW Report

Let California Twist in the Wind Without a Bailout


California Schemin’…

The longer I am away from California, the clearer my eyes get when examining anything about the state. There is a sort of Stockholm Syndrome that conservative residents of the Golden State get which prevents them — and me when I lived there — from realizing how completely miserable things have gotten. 

The things that make California great — the physical beauty and the weather, for example — are still there. The politics have been so horribly dysfunctional for so long though that the state at times seems irredeemable. 

I lived in California during the most politically active years of my life and worked as hard as I could to keep the state from slipping into progressive oblivion. Obviously, I didn’t have much success. Instead, I watched the state fall into the hands of a series of exponentially worse leftist ideologues who were hell-bent on turning it into Cuba-on-the-Pacific. 

The progressives have been running the state into the ground financially for years, and now they want to use the present crisis as an opportunity to get some federal bailout money to cover for their past financial sins. 

OK, it’s not just California. Jeff wrote yesterday about the Democrat-led western states that have formed a “Pact” to go hat-in-hand to the federal government: MORE

25 Comments on Let California Twist in the Wind Without a Bailout

  1. Pelosi: “This is really quite an exciting time for us because we have a monumental need for our country at this sad time” Newsom and other governors are the same. They can’t contain their elation for the chance to completely destroy the country.

  2. It’s the same in Virginia, but it didn’t used to be this way.
    When liberals were forced to abandon their high tax, low employment states, many refugees ended up here, bringing their low IQs and liberal thinking (but I repeat myself) with them.

    It’s a cautionary tale for normal states. Not much you can do but be discourteous to these refugees. Be unwelcoming unless it can be discerned that they are of like mind and will be an asset, rather than a burden.

    I am so sick of these subhuman lifeforms.

  3. Let’s see how well Gov. numb nuts can bail the state out by himself, California has been a drag on the budget for years. If they want help, start by deporting all the illegal aliens. No deportations, no federal help.

  4. Every damn suckerfaced state is gonna get their bailout. It’s time to treat them like we’re the adult in the room….

    1) Every sanctuary city deducts 20% of the funds…
    2) Every illegal alien costs them 200K right off the top…
    3) DACA ‘children’ deducts 200k more right of the top…
    4) 500 million is deducted for general malfeasance….
    5) Just give them nothing and let them like that…..

  5. PHenry hit the nail on the head. This is a California problem today but tomorrow it will be your problem. How do these Libtards keep finding ways to be placed in charge of us? Are we really out numbered? I don’t think so. Is there a sizeable amount of conservatives that don’t vote? Is the election process compromised? Right now that’s where I’m leaning towards. But this is why I think a civil war of some type is unavoidable.

    I can’t believe you bastdids aren’t gonna send us any money.

  6. From: http://market-ticker.org/akcs-www?post=239274

    “First, this “pact” is blatantly unlawful in that it violates The Constitution Article 1, Section 10:

    No State shall, without the Consent of Congress, lay any Duty of Tonnage, keep Troops, or Ships of War in time of Peace, enter into any Agreement or Compact with another State, or with a foreign Power, or engage in War, unless actually invaded, or in such imminent Danger as will not admit of delay.

    There is no weasel-word capacity in that clause; all interstate “compacts” are void unless prior consent of Congress is obtained.

    So, Governor Inslee, use your manpleaser on my cock. Your “Pact” is in fact an act of insurrection against the United States, unlawful on its face and thus void.”

    Read the whole thing.

  7. The solution isn’t a bailout, it’s an election. Flip the Assembly and Senate in Sacramento, make Gavin Newsom totally impotent and get control of spending starting with the train to nowhere. Newsom acts with impunity because all of Sacramento are as corrupt as he is.

    Also, throw out members of the House of Representatives.

  8. The leaders of these states are ready and willing to allow people to suffer and die so that President Trump will be forced into a domestic policy stranglehold and be damaged politically. It will all be Trump’s fault.

    Remember, these are people who are okay with babies being killed up to the moment of birth, and beyond.

  9. Nothing. Return them to territory status, appoint a military governor, and institute martial law. Revoke every ones citizenship; each individual can apply for citizenship and be ‘naturalized on a case by case review;’ no voting rights until the sixth generation. Too, the only accepted language is English. Speak English or Die; it could be California’s new motto!

    Too lenient by half, but understand this includes Illinois and NY and all the rest, not just CA.

  10. Not one flippin cent for states that haven’t got balanced budgets prior to this sham incarceration. Nothing for sanctuary cities, states, townships, counties, etc. Eat Nans Ice cream,.

  11. They made their bed, let them lie in it. Only when the average citizen feels the pain of their own stupid decision to vote Democratic will there be any hope of voter change. Of course the Dems will scream that it’s Trump’s fault that the citizen suffers. Most of the idiots will be dumb enough to fall for it too. Sad, but we lose either way.

    Having said that, I still favor letting the Libs twist in the wind.

  12. They will raise taxes and shut off essential services that the government is actually supposed to be doing. Then give them their back pay later for doing nothing.

  13. This wouldn’t even be an issue if the so called “Conservative Republicans” would grow a set. They’re either equally corrupt, or so scared to death by the media they just sit there and make sucking noises.

  14. Brad you asked a few questions.
    1 They cheat.
    2 No
    3 Yes
    4 Yes
    So now you know why AA and I have been harping on people to get out and vote and help get our people in office.
    Hope all is well.

  15. Geoff
    I didn’t hear this but it comes from a highly reliable source. Vote harvesting is legal in California. Apparently Nunes said in an interview that we did our own harvesting in the Garcia election. Elections in California have been fixed for a long time.

  16. “How do these Libtards keep finding ways to be placed in charge of us?”

    It’s ALL they try to do while conservatives try to work and have a life.

    It’s really down to the core of who they are and who conservatives are.

    They are obsessed with controlling other people while conservatives are not. So the worst kind of people are always hanging around the levers of power waiting for vacancies and opportunities to rule over others.


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