Oops. FBI Accidentally Releases Name of Saudi Official Involved in 9/11 Attacks – IOTW Report

Oops. FBI Accidentally Releases Name of Saudi Official Involved in 9/11 Attacks

PJMedia: A court filing in the suit filed by the victims of the 9/11 attacks has accidentally revealed the name of the Saudi Arabian embassy official that the FBI believes directed at least two of the hijackers.

Mussaed Ahmed al-Jarrah, a mid-level foreign ministry official assigned to the Saudi Arabian embassy in Washington, D.C., was inadvertently identified in a filing by Jill Sanborn, the assistant director of the FBI’s counterterrorism division, as the Saudi national who assisted two of the hijackers.

The Turkish daily Anadolu Agency gives some background on al-Jarrah.

He was in charge of supervising the activities of Ministry of Islamic Affairs employees at Saudi-funded mosques and Islamic centers in the US, according to the report.

The authorities believe that Al-Jarrah instructed two people — Fahad al-Thumairy, a cleric, and Omar al-Bayoumi, a suspected Saudi agent — to help two of the hijackers settle in the US in January 2000 ahead of the attacks.

Al-Jarrah’s whereabouts remain unknown, but he is believed to be in Saudi Arabia.

After years of frustration, the families of 9/11 victims were finally given the go-ahead by the courts in 2018 to sue Saudi Arabia for complicity in the attacks. Ever since then, the Trump administration has been stonewalling the families as far as releasing key documents that would assist them in their suit.

Last September, the FBI was forced to reveal al-Jarrah’s name to the families under a strict non-disclosure agreement. But the FBI’s goof in publishing his name gives a boost to the family’s case.

Sanborn’s filing had blacked out al-Jarrah’s name in most places — except one. more mere

9 Comments on Oops. FBI Accidentally Releases Name of Saudi Official Involved in 9/11 Attacks

  1. You can lay part of this on GWB. He and Mueller were part of the swamp. Mueller was the head of the FBI on 9/11 and helped get us into the wars in Iraq & Afghanistan. He also started the ball rolling on domestic spying. The left is still fawning over him and deflecting his screw ups.


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