Michael Fumento on the recent history of medical alarmism – IOTW Report

Michael Fumento on the recent history of medical alarmism

‘The public health service rewards people who are grotesquely wrong.’

Just The News: Michael Fumento sees echoes of the 1980s AIDS crisis in the current coronavirus pandemic. 

Not because the two diseases are similar in their pathologies. Rather, the author notes that the public health responses to both outbreaks have striking similarities: Namely, that public health officials have resorted to grim predictions of sky-high body counts and once-in-a-generation public health crises, even when the truth is obviously less dire than that. 

Fumento, an author and journalist, became known for his work in the late 1980s and early 1990s in which he pushed back against the growing claims that AIDS would soon be a crisis for average heterosexual men and women. Public health officials and media outlets at the time predicted that, as one headline put it, “The disease of them is suddenly the disease of us.”

“AIDS never shifted,” Fumento said in a podcast interview for John Solomon Reports. “It was always a disease, essentially, of gay men, of IV drug users, and initially people who received blood transfusions or hemophiliacs.” more here

7 Comments on Michael Fumento on the recent history of medical alarmism

  1. Michael Fumento – NY Post January 23, 2020.


    Michael Fumento – NY Post March 8th, 2020.


    This guy is just not your regular reporter…


    @JDHasty – be careful with the ‘no shit’ comments bro, this fucking guy was ON IT from the beginning, I heard this on Pragers show two months ago, oh wait it was THREE months ago, when he interviewed Fumento AFTER that first article came out.

  2. Back in the 80’s I did a term paper on AIDS, it’s been so many years ago I can’t remember the government doctor so it could have possibly been Fauci was quoted as saying it was going to wipe out low income communities because there were some studies that showed it could be transmitted through mosquitoes. I still remember the mosquitoes because it freaked me out. I was always near water back in those days where mosquitoes were big enough to carry you off.
    The other thing I remember was it was first called GRID; Gay-Related Immune Deficiency, the push to change the name by scientists and governments was about money. They did not believe that taxpayers, businesses, legislatures or private laboratories would be willing to spend money on research for a homosexual disease.

    So the older wiser me can see that for what it was, they wanted money and they were already gearing up for the normalizing homosexuality, they had to make everyone scared they could contract the new disease and that it wasn’t a homosexual disease.

    A lot of these experts back then talked out both sides of their mouths, much like they do now. Some even claiming the blood supply was safe, of course then it was soon known it wasn’t. While the same time claiming mosquitoes could transmit it.

  3. There are some differences. Back in the 80’s the leftist refused to close down the bath houses even though they were a major source of the transmission of HIV. the leftist blocked bans on homosexuals donating blood and dropped the felony charge for someone knowing giving another person HIV. However, it is Conservatives who want to kill people by letting people who aren’t at risk get on with their lives.

  4. makes you wonder what will be the next crisis the government bureaucrats pedal to us will be ?

    they’s got keep us in the chains of panic to rule us

  5. During the AIDS crises, then Arkansas governor Bill Clinton was harvesting blood from inmates (who were IV drug users and also engaging in homosexual acts) in the prison system and selling the blood overseas because such a practice was banned in the US.


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