New York Dem: Securing PPE May Not Be Worth ‘Bowing Down’ to Trump – IOTW Report

New York Dem: Securing PPE May Not Be Worth ‘Bowing Down’ to Trump

Republican opponent, Lee Zeldin helped procure 1.2 million pieces of medical equipment for district in April.

WFB: A Democratic congressional candidate questioned whether securing medical supplies vital to combating the coronavirus was “worth” working with President Donald Trump.

Perry Gershon, a Long Island businessman challenging GOP incumbent Rep. Lee Zeldin (N.Y.), acknowledged that the Republican has successfully obtained personal protective equipment (PPE) for his district during a virtual town hall in April. But Gershon questioned whether obtaining the life-saving equipment was “worth” working with Trump, saying Zeldin is “essentially bowing down” to the president. read more

14 Comments on New York Dem: Securing PPE May Not Be Worth ‘Bowing Down’ to Trump

  1. ok, PDT is supposed to somehow know which jurisdictions need certain medical & healthcare supplies

    so, if you request it, you will get it …. but, if you don’t request it he’s supposed to know what you need?

    … & that’s why he’s a dictator!

    got it

  2. I usually like to google the Libtards to see what they look like but I’m confident this is a 12 year old carrying a skateboard with his hat on backwards

  3. Why in the hell is Trump pouring money back into the WHO?!?! And why in the hell is the US Military getting involved in the distribution of a vaccine that has not yet been developed? And why in the hell is soros, and gates, with chelsea clinton on the board forming an organization to conduct contact tracing?!?! Either trump is getting bad advice or he is fucked up! I like the hell out of Trump but this shit has me about pissed off!

  4. And Gershon wonders why we rejected him in 2018–all he needs to do is read his comments. 6 points in an off-year election–bet it’s double that in November.

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