Every Day Biden Is Briefed on Coronavirus by Somebody, He Just Can’t Remember Who – IOTW Report

Every Day Biden Is Briefed on Coronavirus by Somebody, He Just Can’t Remember Who


The presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, Joe Biden, couldn’t remember who has been briefing him every day about the Wuhan coronavirus.

Biden, 77, was hosting a virtual roundtable on the impact of COVID-19. Talking to Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy and Connecticut Gov. Ned Lamont, Biden struggled to recall who’s been briefing him every day about the virus.

“Um, and uh, and I’m not, and I, I have a, I have a, uh, like all of you but every day I get between an hour and an hour and a half brief with um, uh, the former head of, our former surgeon general, anyway, with docs across the country, um …” Biden said.

It sounds like Joe Biden is retaining a lot of useful information in those briefings. read more

14 Comments on Every Day Biden Is Briefed on Coronavirus by Somebody, He Just Can’t Remember Who

  1. Wow. Assuming we had real journalists, can you imagine “President Biden” (barf) standing up to the press daily as Trump has?

    Of course, only a fantasy as the press we have would applaud him and cover for him no matter what.

    Truly sickening.

  2. Someone should hold up an idiot card when Joe does this, with the name “Tara Reade” on it.

    “…like all of you but every day I get between an hour and an hour and a half brief with um, uh…TARA READE!’

  3. He’s probably talking with a medical orderly who’s making small talk while helping him with his depends down there in the basement so he doesn’t stink up the rest of Jill’s house.

  4. And speaking of briefs, Im guessing these briefs are pretty damn brief, as briefs go

    Cant really brief too long to a guy with a 15 second attention span

  5. Biden is actually not demented. His problem is that he’s distracted having to mightily struggle to keep from sharting himself in public. It takes all his concentration, so he can’t focus on the questions.

  6. I am actually beginning to pity this old man.
    I am reserving my contempt and disgust for the handlers who are propping him up and encouraging him to engage in a losing battle.
    I am also in complete contempt for any who would vote for this unqualified person just because they can’t stand Trump.
    On second thought, maybe I just hate them all, which goes against my Christian beliefs, but my own will is winning on this one.


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