California: LA Buys ChinaVirus Tests But No One Wants Them – IOTW Report

California: LA Buys ChinaVirus Tests But No One Wants Them

(Liberty Headlines) With ample coronavirus tests and not enough sick people seeking them, the mayor of Los Angeles recently did something on a scale no other major U.S. city had done — allow anyone with or without symptoms to be tested as often as they want.

A website to book a test was quickly swamped by residents in the nation’s second-largest city and the surrounding county who couldn’t get tested under more stringent guidelines and were concerned they were infected or could be asymptomatic carriers unwittingly exposing others.

But despite overbooking to compensate for a third of the people who didn’t show up, the city still has thousands of tests that aren’t being used each week, according to figures provided to The Associated Press by the mayor’s office.

“Wasted tests at a time when we still have insufficient testing is really unfortunate,” said Dr. Eric Topol, head of the Scripps Research Translational Institute, a San Diego-based medical research partnership. “I applaud what they’re doing. The more people tested the better.” read more

8 Comments on California: LA Buys ChinaVirus Tests But No One Wants Them

  1. If you are sick they do not do anything to help you unless you are flat on your back & unable to breath.

    Going to get tested exposes you to a place where people are gathering WITH symptoms and could expose you.

    Big FKN surprise no one wants to go out.

  2. Nobody will take the test. Nobody will take the vaccine. Because they know that this was all bullshit. The government is not your friend. They’re not your caretaker. But some of them think they’re your owner.

  3. Can’t BELIEVE Hollywood is letting this little shit of a mayor demolish their industry. Just BLEEDING jobs and cash right now.

    Come on Ben Affleck. Quit being a pussy and rebel in spite of your estrogen-laced vagina!

  4. Who in their right mind gets sick and is all like, “Gee, I need a test to confirm my belief that I’m sick?”

    Because what’s the difference if you have the flu, a common cold, or the convid-1984? It’s all the same solution to get better: rest, chicken noodle soup, and STFU. Unless it’s bad enough to be hospitalized THEN you get a test to confirm for hydroxy & Zpak.


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