Activist Judge Rudolph Contreras, Who Initially Accepted Flynn Case, Was Peter Strzok’s Neighbor – IOTW Report

Activist Judge Rudolph Contreras, Who Initially Accepted Flynn Case, Was Peter Strzok’s Neighbor

(Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) In a forthcoming book, former acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker piles on to the condemnations of Obama-era officials who politicized some of the nation’s most trusted law-enforcement institutions, according to the Washington Times.

“Without the rule of law, without respect for the Constitution, without honest administration in the Justice Department, we don’t have a republic,” Whitaker writes in Above the Law, due for release on May 19.

The high-profile case against Michael Flynn is among the examples he cites of the incestuous blurring of lines within the Justice Department, the intelligence community, the judiciary and other democratic pillars around which the Left sought to wrap its deep-state tentacles.

Michael Flynn, the former national security adviser, was accused of lying to the FBI about his contact with a Russian diplomat prior to Trump’s inauguration..

But Whitaker reveals that the judge who initially took the case, Rudolph Contreras, just so happened to be a friend and neighbor of Peter Strzok, the corrupt FBI agent who had overseen the FBI probe. more

14 Comments on Activist Judge Rudolph Contreras, Who Initially Accepted Flynn Case, Was Peter Strzok’s Neighbor

  1. This isn’t something reported only recently. That “Rudy” was a friend of Strzok’s came out, IIRC, with the initial release of the Strzok/Page text messages.

    Here’s something to consider: the identity of the govt person who published those Strzok/Page text messages is still unknown.

  2. Now, wouldn’t it be something if Contreras was the FISA judge who kept approving those doctored requests?

    It’s time to unmask the FISA judge who has no integrity and remove him or end the FISA court period.

    If he was then you now have your criminal conspiracy and treason.

  3. The deep state CIA has imbedded tens of thousands of agent provocateurs inside every government, media, big tech, academic, corporate, entertainment, and federal agency.

    They have been funding themselves for 80 years through black site oil production, gun running, drugs, human trafficking, the sex trade, and every other illegal activity you can imagine including world wide pedophilia.

    The true nature and scope of the depravity and corruption is so deep and manifest you would almost despair if not for PDJT and the patriots fighting back.

    PDJT has inhibited or removed at least half or more of their global revenue streams from the deep state. We are in an all out war, and you should be prepared.

    The bastards monitor every keystroke from IOTW by the way. So we must all hang together or surely hang separately as Ben would say.

  4. Without the rule of law, without respect for the Constitution, without honest administration in the Justice Department, we don’t have a republic

    Humpty Dumpty’s ghost writing? Instead of learning to code? Who knew?

  5. @Anonymous May 16, 2020 at 10:23 pm

    > Activist judges should be priority targets when things go hot.

    Because warming the frog pan, with millions and millions of targets of opportunity, all right next door, during this, the current, lockdown, requires rolling off the couch.

  6. For almost all of the these swamp scum, it boils down to some cushy, highly paid job in return for abandoning the foundations of our country.

    I think very few are true ideologues. Trump is a direct threat to their cash, either by reducing illegal immigration, cutting back regs, increasing domestic energy and manufacturing and making America first.

    Very depressing when you dwell on it.

  7. @MMinAR May 17, 2020 at 8:33 am

    > For almost all of the these swamp scum, it boils down to some cushy, highly paid job in return for abandoning the foundations of our country.

    Unless, of course, that was the foundation of their country.

    But, don’t dwell on that.

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