In Honor of the Class of 2020, Some Scalding Coffee – IOTW Report

In Honor of the Class of 2020, Some Scalding Coffee

American Thinker:
By Robert Oscar Lopez.

In 2020 many memes pay homage to the high school and college seniors who were supposed to have a commencement and walk up in robes and square hats to receive diplomas. That is how civilized societies reward teenagers and young adults for wrapping up four years of general education. But the coronavirus changes everything, in the way money behaves in the Cyndi Lauper song “Money Changes Everything.” I wish I could be like the millions of people who can turn out a fulsome praise to make everyone feel warm and fuzzy.

Instead, I’d like to pay honor to the class of 2020 by giving them the precious gift of honesty. This crop of graduates has been lied to, probably more than any other. I should know, because for all the years they’ve lived, I was inside the machine that manufactured the lies.

This year I graduated at the age of forty-nine in my own way. After twenty years of teaching college students, I finally left my last academic job and moved on from academia. I watched twenty classes of students move through the system while these current graduates incubated. My departure was as unceremonious as their non-ceremonies are going to be.

So here’s some truth that needs to be told: Your teachers didn’t know what they were talking about most of the time. I know you may have liked many of them, but that’s a kind of Stockholm Syndrome you get from the deliberate mental work the institutions do on you. You’re in school and they are the ones to whom you are captive. That’s why they may have seemed so kind; they needed you to give them high teaching evaluations so they could be promoted.

The people who taught you English were trained by unhinged Marxists who never made them read much classic literature before throwing them in the classroom to teach you. They rarely studied any foreign languages so had no grasp of world literature or classical literature. They were trained to disregard the Christian Bible so they lacked any meaningful connection to the thousands of years that the Bible and churches influenced artistic expression. The departments that hired them wanted chatty courtiers who could talk about glossy critical theories. Search committees didn’t hire literature professors who had a broad background, largely because the people on the hiring committees lacked the range to understand what they were talking about in job interviews. So you got the teacher who showed up talking about feminist readings of Jane Austen novels, like a million other grad students.

I know this because I sat through graduate school in the 1990s and went to conference after conference with English teachers. READ MORE

5 Comments on In Honor of the Class of 2020, Some Scalding Coffee

  1. Almost 50 years ago when I graduated from HS in 1971 I would never have thought that my country would so turned upside down that we would end up like this. We are more divided now as a nation then we were during the height of the Vietnam War and the turmoil of the 70’s and it makes me mad. My generation the shithead baby boomers who started all this crap and never grew up for the most part are responsible for most of this crap and won’t take any responsibility for it and have passed it off to our kids and grand kids to solve it. I hope and pray that my kids and grandkids have as much guts and balls like my dad’s generation, the greatest generation to turn it around before it’d too late. And this unconstitutional lockdown could very well prove to be the fuse. Good luck, young people and 50 years from now when you’re my age I hope your future is as bright and free as was my youth before the mid 60’s fucked everything up.

  2. @geoff the aardvark

    “…..never grew up for the most part are responsible for most of this crap and won’t take any responsibility for it…..”

    From your keyboard to God’s ears!

  3. All socieities decay eventually. Sometimes that’s a good thing; dead growth and old rot burned away and all that. For all our faults, we didn’t need a burnoff at any point in our past. But we do now. We would not have decayed as rapidly as we have if it weren’t for people in positions of authority tolerating communist infilatration since the early 1900s. I will never believe that many of them didn’t see the spread and didn’t know the horrors that would come if that ideology ever took root here. They probably said what people always say until it’s too late: “Nah, never happen here. And if it does, our grandkids will deal with it.”

    We’re the grandkids.


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