How did Osama bin Laden really die? – IOTW Report

How did Osama bin Laden really die?

American Thinker:
By Susan Daniels.
From the evidence, the case could be made that if President Barack Obama had terrorist Osama bin Laden killed in May 2011 at the latter’s Abbottabad compound in Pakistan, Obama would have had to bring him back from the dead to do so.

On December 26, 2001, the Egyptian newspaper a-l Wafd posted a death announcement for bin Laden, citing as its source “a prominent official in the Afghan Taleban movement.”  According to the source, bin Laden had received a formal Islamic burial ten days prior in Tora Bora.

On July 30, 2002, CNN headlined an article “Sources: No bodyguards, no bin Laden.”  Apparently, several members of bin Laden’s security team had been captured and shipped to Guantanamo.  Reported CNN, “Some high-level U.S. officials are already convinced by such evidence that bin Laden, who has not been seen or heard from in months, is dead.”

On October 7, 2002, CNN ran a speculative article citing Afghan president Hamid Karzai, headlined “Karzai: bin Laden ‘probably’ dead.”  On May 10, 2003, the U.K.’s Independent headlined an article, “Bin Laden died from wounds suffered in Tora Bora air raid, says Arab expert.”  The expert in question traced his death to December 2001, the same month as the notice in the Egyptian paper.

Bin Laden had been in poor health for several years.  In March 2000, Asia Week described him as having “a kidney infection that is propagating itself to the liver and requires specialized treatment.”  Additionally, a mobile dialysis machine had been delivered to his hideout in Kandahar in the first half of 2000.  Examining a video from December 2001, CNN medical correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta argued that bin Laden was likely suffering from “chronic kidney failure, renal failure.”

Le Figaro of France reported that bin Laden had made several discreet trips to Dubai for treatment before September 11, 2001.  Clearly, he had a chronic, life-threatening illness.  For him to have lived ten years after the September 11 attacks without access to high-level care would have required a minor miracle.  With his almost total control of the American media, Barack Obama was the one president capable of pulling a miracle off.

There are those who believe that Operation Neptune Spear was orchestrated to improve Obama’s falling poll numbers and remove his questionable birth certificate from the news.  Whatever the real objective of the raid, skeptics argue, it was not to capture bin Laden. MORE

18 Comments on How did Osama bin Laden really die?

  1. The never infallible U.K. and French media quoting the ever reliable and highly credible Arab sources who are completely unbiased against the West. This is worse than fake news cubed.

    This is probably the only thing Obama didn’t lie about, except on the margins. This was not his operation, but his payoff.

  2. Facts FROM government TO the people are very hard to come by, which makes conjecture and conspiracy theories run rampant….much to the delight of government.

  3. I remember reading an article when Benazir Bhutto was killed how she said Bin Laden was dead and that an American pol was simply waiting for the time they needed to resurrect him for political capital. Two weeks later, in 2007, she was assassinated.

    Not the article but, it shows the timing and that she stated he was dead.

    Like Joan Rivers, sometimes it pays to keep quiet.

  4. The real president Valerie Jarrett postponed this raid three times, and Pedo Joe voted against it everytime. They would not have bothered to protect OBL if he was already dead.

    I will grant The situation room was a photo op only as the Jug Eared Jesus was actually playing cards since there was no actual real time video.

  5. Yeah … bin Laden, Elvis, and Hitler … probably all working as hash slingers in some joint in rural Arizona.
    Witless Protection Program – all three registered Demonrat voters.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. well since nothing else about the obama has been true i doubt the obama “killing” of osama was true as well.

    the burial at sea was another tell tale sign.

    besides the obama was just as much a muslim terrorist as osama was
    obama probably had a huge black light poster of osama in his choom room

  7. The entire article is speculation. Here’s some speculation…. Bin Laden could have faked his death and even the severity of his illness.
    Until I see actual proof I’ll stick with US troops killing him.
    Probably with Chinese Virus laced bullets.


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