Flynn Lied About Sanctions…That They Never Asked Him About? – IOTW Report

Flynn Lied About Sanctions…That They Never Asked Him About?

Those pesky 302’s !

5 Comments on Flynn Lied About Sanctions…That They Never Asked Him About?

  1. Can someone please explain to me how evidence can be “edited” (read: Altered)? Shouldn’t it be treated like an audio recording or at the very least a court transcript? It is bad enough that it is an interpretation or has opinion inserted into it, but to be able to alter it after the fact sure seems criminal in and of itself to me!

  2. C’mon folks – we’re trying to have a show trial here. Our show trial skills are sadly lacking when compared to show trial procedures in such foward looking countries like China, North Korea, Cuba, Iran and the UK. Among other things, we need progressive jurists like Judge Sullivan who can look at a case and decide “what we need is a Federal judge acting as judge and prosecutor and possessing the ability to ignore mounting evidence of governmental misconduct.”

    Not that evidence of anything is actually required for a show trial. We can get everything we need to convict non-Democrats from CNN – the most trusted name in show trials.


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