Joe’s Kid-Touching is a Sore Spot for the Media – IOTW Report

Joe’s Kid-Touching is a Sore Spot for the Media


More than UkraineGate, more than Tara Reade, more than his demenia – the one issue about Joe Biden that has the news media scrambling is his well-earned reputation for kid-touching.

I guess that makes sense.  Kid-touching is the kinda skank that don’t wash off.

All it took for the media to fly into full-on panic was Donald Trump Jr. sharing a meme on Instagram mocking Joe’s pervy behavior with little girls.

The New York Times wrote about it, and an outraged Jake Tapper tweeted a breathless, pearl-clutching thread.

Here’s the meme Don Junior shared on Instagram (which the NYT writer dutifully tweeted out, the moron):

Okay, that made me laugh.

If I’m not mistaken, that meme has been around for a while.

16 Comments on Joe’s Kid-Touching is a Sore Spot for the Media

  1. What JR said was true.

    “There’s NOTHING CREEPY at all about how @JoeBiden interacts with the kids in this 4+ min long video.

    All the touching & hair sniffing is TOTALLY APPROPRIATE & 100% NORMAL. Everyone does it!

    I’m a bad person for mocking him & thinking it’s disgusting!!!”

    JR was just agreeing with the press.

  2. This pervert has been filmed fondling multiple little girls breasts in public. The videos clearly show him attempting and actually touching as they desperately react in shock and squirm away from him.

    These videos were widely available and circulated before he announced. Now he is their presumptive nominee. Let that sink in.

    Demonrats are all Pedos and want to legalize every possible perversion in service to Satan.

  3. Benito the Bombed Beaner
    MAY 18, 2020 AT 11:50 PM


    …I like it, but be careful with that…people are stupid, they forget the message but remember the name when they vote, so this could actually get him MORE votes…

  4. Cisco Kid
    MAY 19, 2020 AT 2:06 AM

    “Demonrats are all Pedos and want to legalize every possible perversion in service to Satan.”

    …that’s why they like Muzzies so much, they WORSHIP a pedophile…

    …well, they also like ’em because they both want to destroy Christianity and America, albeit for different reasons, and you know what they say about “the enemy of my enemy”…

  5. As I told a local Dem Pol (Head of the School Board FFS)

    “If You think that is normal behavior, You had a F*cked up Childhood”

    He blocked Me after that…

  6. With my apologies to Ian Anderson and Jethro Tull…

    Sitting on a park bench
    Eyeing little girls
    With bad intent
    Snot running down his nose
    Greasy fingers smearing shabby clothes… hey, Joe Biden
    Drying in the cold sun
    Watching as the frilly panties run… hey, Joe Biden
    Feeling like a dead duck
    Spitting out pieces of his broken luck… oh, Joe Biden


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