Devin Nunes Discusses AG Barr Remarks About President Obama and Joe Biden – IOTW Report

Devin Nunes Discusses AG Barr Remarks About President Obama and Joe Biden

Nunes explains it’s not time to go after 0bama and Biden until they research “What’s on the books and what law was broken”

CTH: House Intel Committee ranking member Devin Nunes appears on Fox News to discuss the remarks earlier in the day where AG Bill Barr does not foresee any criminal investigation of President Obama or Vice-President Joe Biden. more/watch.

23 Comments on Devin Nunes Discusses AG Barr Remarks About President Obama and Joe Biden

  1. They need to research “What’s on the books and what law was broken”
    I would ask:
    “Where have you been and why are we paying you?”
    “Why hasn’t this been an on-going effort for the past few decades?”
    If they don’t know the mountain of laws that have been broken by Jackass Joe and the Marxist Muzlim Mallard by NOW, they never will!
    Welcome to Kabuki Theater 10.2

  2. I would love to see the double-whammy of criminal charges against Comey, Clapper, Brennan, Rice, Yovanovitch, Strzok, Biden, and Obama combined with a voting backlash against democrat fascist lockdown governors like Evers, Whitmer, Northam, Wolf, etc.

  3. Congressman Nunes knows more about this subject than almost anyone except the perpetrators. He’s been right since the very beginning. Nothing will happen to Osmidgen or Obiden unless someone is forced to testify against them, and that won’t happen until that person is facing years in the slammer. It may never happen. The next John Dean is out there somewhere, just as sure as Sasquatch and the Abominable Snowman, or an honest Dementiacrat.

  4. Thanks to the inept legal system the monkey has made a monkey out of the entire country.

    Oh well, by the time this is dragged out and they’re brought to justice and looking at jail time it’s likely the dems will be back in control and all will get pardoned.

  5. Why did we think this would be easy? These guys’ (those idiots who are just smart enough to be dangerous in our Congress), spend most of their days (and our money) legislating ways to protect themselves from prosecution.

    And consider this: For decades no one in the DoJ has seriously looked into the “books” to see what’s left of our tattered statutes that could nail their own members. I think that’s why they have to resort to clear-cut procedural crimes like “lying” (even if they have to fabricate them) and foggy crimes like “obstruction.” Just enough wrong-doing to get someone fired, but not enough to send them to prison. Look at all the “scandals” the Clintons lead or were a part of that didn’t result in serving time.

    Where is the $2B in U.S. aid to Ukraine, the $6B at State, the $Millions (no one even knows how much) to Iran under Obama’s orders, that got “lost”? No one among the D’s knows the exact amount of any of these numbers, but they know “for sure” that no crimes were committed.

    Comey exonerated Hillary Clinton of wrong-doing when he wasn’t legally allowed to do that — to serve as investigator, judge and jury. But no one in Congress or the DoJ said “hold on just a minute, there, fella, while we do this by the book.”

    What can you say about a gov’t that has turned “lying” into “a lack of candor” and let everyone (they want) off the hook with the word “intentions”?

  6. @Tiger eyes – YES. Glad you brought this up!

    This is what I am thinking, the USA military is ‘not over’ the failures of Benghazi, stand down orders, gun running, etc.

    This, major MAJOR cover up, was the start of the real malfeasance that WILL get these Pricks.

    Barr is really saying, “The DOJ might not, but that doesn’t mean someone other responsible entity can…”.

    Maybe the DOJ takes care of the conspirators (IBF, AIC, etc.) and the Military Trubunals take care of a past president???

    I know this may be a pipe dream but at least it’s better than the ‘no on gets theirs in the end’ nightmare…

    AND, will go one further and say the DJT is not done with the fake birth certificate either…watch.

    Think of DJT as an ‘elephant’, not in the Republican sense, but what is ‘associated’ with being an elephant, for one they NEVER forger we were taught, correct?

    IF you approach, you approach with caution and get out of the way when the elephant gets…excited.

    And incredibly loyal, as Tarzan as my example…

  7. It’s very convenient for government officials to walk around claiming ignorance of the law for their own actions while they concoct crimes that our President supposedly committed. And they’re an expert on THOSE.

    Nuke the capital. Level it. Set up a new one in Topeka.

  8. This is also a hint that they are working from the bottom up. This way, they create more fear and more squealers who will finally tell the truth. By the time they get to the top there will be enough information to hang the traitors.
    I like them telling Obama and Biden they may not be prosecuted. Both are dumb enough to believe it and they will continue to break the law which will add more crimes to their indictments.
    Everyone is in such a hurry for indictments that they are missing the joy of tormenting the criminals. Obama and Biden are really afraid right now. This is why they keep yapping about Trump. I think it’s the most entertaining spy show around!

  9. Maybe in the end we will see all the high level rats feel the heat and spill their guts out on the top tier rat(s). But from the past track record of the Republicans I wouldn’t hold my breath on seeing any RATS do any kind of time for their crimes.

  10. If the demonrats didn’t want this coming out during an election year – they shouldn’t have delayed it by running the impeachment circus for the last 3 years.

    Besides investigating, indicting, and (hopefully) sentencing the ring leaders of sedition are best revealed during an election year to send the clearest message this will not be tolerated. An election year is the best time to make the demonrats pay the highest price for the most damaging corruption in US history.

  11. @AbigailAdams May 19, 2020 at 10:46 am

    > What can you say about a gov’t that has turned “lying” into “a lack of candor” and let everyone (they want) off the hook with the word “intentions”?

    I’ll take “Working According to Design”, for a thousand, Alex. I mean, Abigail.

  12. @Blink May 19, 2020 at 3:37 pm

    > An election year is the best time to make the demonrats pay the highest price for the most damaging corruption in US history.

    Because you may be able to secure cosmopolitan communism with the barrel of many, many guns. But you have to vote your way out of it.

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