“I Have Power!”: Tranny Moderator Who Identifies as a Deer Threatens to Censor Critics – IOTW Report

“I Have Power!”: Tranny Moderator Who Identifies as a Deer Threatens to Censor Critics

“There are some people that should be afraid of me.”

Summit News: A transgender Twitch “Safety Advisory Council” member who identifies as a deer (yes, really) bragged on a live stream about having the “power” to censor critics, asserting, “some people should be afraid of me.”

Twitch is a live streaming video platform that has become notorious for its draconian levels of censorship which in many cases outstrip even YouTube.

Last week, transgender streamer “Steph” Loehr, AKA FerociouslySteph, who was born a man and apparently had his genitals removed, was announced as a new member of Twitch’s “Safety Advisory Council,” giving Loehr the power to influence Terms of Service and potentially ban individual users.

Before we get to Steph’s comments on this, let’s get to know xe a little better. read more

20 Comments on “I Have Power!”: Tranny Moderator Who Identifies as a Deer Threatens to Censor Critics

  1. “It’s akin to having walked into a business meeting, and finding one of the participants is wearing a bear suit. “What’s with the bear suit?” you ask. The reply is cold stares. This feat of quiet ostracism, this sudden sense that one is an ideological castaway, coalesces all of a sudden. A breeze blows through you, and you realize the season has changed.”


  2. Oh deer, this dimbulb he/she/it buck/doe needs to be culled from the herd and put out of its misery. It’s a good thing it can’t breed anything but stupidity. Billy Fuster below in the next post, maybe we should send him/her a Deer John letter.

  3. .35 Remington, brush gun. Under a hundred yards absolutely effective on deer (and bear). Elk as well. But of course Ms lives on concrete has not the slightest idea what any of this means.

    The primary reason our society is going crazy is, very few people step off the concrete at all.


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