Tucker: Who is Stacey Abrams? – IOTW Report

Tucker: Who is Stacey Abrams?

Despite fawning media coverage, it’s difficult to point to a single accomplishment.

18 Comments on Tucker: Who is Stacey Abrams?

  1. “…but being this is a Stacey Abrams, the most powerful butthole in the world, and would blow your head CLEAN off, you’ve got to ask yourself one question: ‘Do I feel lucky?’ Well, do you, punk?”

  2. Cynic

    “Pandemonium ensues as she trundles to the far left of the stage, like a gap-toothed Godzilla…”

    And breaks a heel, becoming encumbered, unleashes (accidentally) a fart of nu-cu-lar proportions to bake the entire cabal to ash.

    I prolly shouldn’t drink moonshine.

  3. We know that Biden uses the toilet a bit differently. As he said, he faces the tank so he can read.

    Stacy, on the other hand, just backs up towards the bathtub.

    Poor maid staff at the hotels during the campaign.

  4. Joe will pick Hillary.

    There is no way the hillarybeast will be “cheated’ out of the only path to the presidency that she has left.

    Most importantly, especially she WILL NOT LOSE to another obamination or insignificant gnat.

    Poor ol’ Joe: So sorry to hear of your pending suicide.


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