Grenell Declassifies Susan Rice email showing Comey said ‘sensitive’ info on Russia not be shared with Flynn – IOTW Report

Grenell Declassifies Susan Rice email showing Comey said ‘sensitive’ info on Russia not be shared with Flynn

Geller Report:

Former FBI Director James Comey suggested to then-President Barack Obama in a January 2017 meeting that the National Security Council might not want to pass “sensitive information related to Russia” to then-incoming national security adviser Michael Flynn, according to a newly declassified “cover your ass” email that Flynn’s predecessor sent herself on Inauguration Day.  Yes, because they were setting him up — and he might uncover Obama admin’s perfidy, malfeasance and treason.

This is an outrage. MORE

17 Comments on Grenell Declassifies Susan Rice email showing Comey said ‘sensitive’ info on Russia not be shared with Flynn

  1. @: – Swamp prosecutions naysayers are ‘Karens’ at this point, do you not trust DJT? Grenell??? Give it up then if you do not.

    @MJA – there will be many snitches (more than ‘one or two’) for sure, which will make it FUN to watch.

    But, we have to make sure the snitches do not end up in DITCHES?

    This is something Barr did not speak ‘to’. TRIBUNALS and TRIBULATIONS.

    MORE is coming!


  2. @ghost
    Yep. The noose is tightening. They all know the shit is coming down. If this is being orchestrated correctly, eventually someone down low is gonna squeal when the right plea deal comes along, then they will start falling like dominoes – right up to the last one left holding the bag.
    I hope.

  3. I’ll tell you what else is an outrage, it’s that Grenell is just the temporary DNI. We finally have someone in position that is taking his job seriously and he’ll probably go back to being ambassador to Germany. Ratcliffe better come in kicking ass or a bunch of us are going to be pissed off.

  4. @Vietvet — Maybe it’s regional. I’ve heard all combinations of (crowbar, graybar, crossbar) (hotel, motel).

    I just wanna see Brennan, Clapper, Comey, and Strzok in whatever you call it. There are lots more who deserve to be there, some more deserving than those four, it’s just that those four are the slimiest. Barky, Joey, and H-Rod aren’t in that list because I don’t want to see them in jail as much as I want to see them Epsteined.

  5. Was in ‘jail’ in 161st and the Grand Concourse and it was called ‘Central Booking’ in the Bronx, 1986…(Only white dude in there at the time). Jail is jail, and prison is prison…for felons.

    And very serious felons, like traitorous felons? Guantanamo is calling…its’ a coming.

  6. Grenell is the acting “honey badger”…….

    Grenell needs to be put into the “acting” directorship of any “off the rails” government organization that needs to be reformed but Congress is balking about confirming Trump45’s choice….

    Like the DNI…..Trump45 tried to get Ratcliffe in……Congress balked….so they got Grenell….now Congressional d/r’s are happy to confirm Ratcliffe…..

    Maybe Trump45 can use Flynn in the same “honey badger” role when he’s fully exonerated… it is now Sullivan is only holding up Flynn to try and get Trump45 to pardon him and cause a political storm.


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