‘People With Glass Faces Should Not Throw Stones’ – IOTW Report

‘People With Glass Faces Should Not Throw Stones’

Daily Caller: Fox News host Tucker Carlson used Nancy Pelosi’s own “glass face” to chide the House Speaker for pointing out President Donald Trump’s weight.

Pelosi called Trump “morbidly obese” Monday during a CNN media appearance, prompting the president to tell the Daily Caller’s Henry Rodgers the next day that the House Speaker was a “waste of time” with “mental problems.”

After playing the clip of Pelosi criticizing Trump’s use of the controversial drug hydroxychloroquine, Carlson noted on Tuesday night’s edition of “Tucker Carlson Tonight” that his show makes “a real effort not to mock people for how they look,” and suggested Pelosi do the same.

Because, glass houses.

21 Comments on ‘People With Glass Faces Should Not Throw Stones’

  1. Samuel The Lamanite
    MAY 20, 2020 AT 1:45 PM
    “Nasty Pelosi is a hollow shell possessed by a demon with a face that looks like the demon possessed a wax dummy from a cheap wax museum.”

    …Dante’s “Inferno”, Canto 33 explains this…

    “”Art thou too dead!”—”How in the world aloft
    It fareth with my body,” answer’d he,
    “I am right ignorant. Such privilege
    Hath Ptolomea, that ofttimes the soul
    Drops hither, ere by Atropos divorc’d.
    And that thou mayst wipe out more willingly
    The glazed tear-drops that o’erlay mine eyes,
    Know that the soul, that moment she betrays,
    As I did, yields her body to a fiend
    Who after moves and governs it at will,
    Till all its time be rounded; headlong she
    Falls to this cistern. And perchance above
    Doth yet appear the body of a ghost,
    Who here behind me winters. Him thou know’st,
    If thou but newly art arriv’d below.
    The years are many that have pass’d away,
    Since to this fastness Branca Doria came.””

    …Dante said SOME people are SO evil, that their soul needs to go to hell BEFORE their body is scheduled to die, and a demon is left in it’s place to drive their body until it’s time is up.

    ..shame there’s no Scriptural support for this, because it WOULD explain a LOT of politicians.

    …and would CERTAINLY explain Pelosi…



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