The Results Are In..Sane! – IOTW Report

The Results Are In..Sane!

26 Comments on The Results Are In..Sane!

  1. I’m headed to South Dakota for memorial day and had a family member tell me “it” was bad up there. I was going to catch “it” and bring “it” back here. So I told them when I get back I will come see them and give them a big hug.
    You would think I told them I was going to shoot them. lol

  2. Just listen to Americans standing up for their freedoms, listen to the siren call of liberty from the youth of America.

    Democrats are unbelievable in the depths of their stupidity, their tyranny is driving millions to take the red pill.

    This November will be the end of the Demonrat party as two completely senile idiots drive their party right of the cliff.


  3. Soooo many people out there are wearing the hijab of compliance. It’s truly frightening.
    Went to the eye doctor to pick up something and they had the “no entry without a mask” sign on the door, so I stood in the doorway and yelled, “can I not pick up some product without a mask?” A lady said she would take care of it while I stood in the doorway. Seriously? Like that made a difference? Lol!

  4. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnnd the only increase in the “death toll” was and has been as a result of pumped up numbers on the part of those participating (knowingly or otherwise) in the 2020 DemPanic!
    Stop the Madness!
    Stop the Tyranny!

  5. @Billy

    The grocery store I go to won’t let anyone in that is not wearing a mask. All the other stores around here are the same.

    Other than that, I don’t wear one. Covid19 has passed through me, I’m fine now, and I think I have some immunity.

  6. This may end in a very clear geographical/political divide of the United States. I started hearing a couple days ago of mass exoduses from certain states and cities. Could prove to be interesting.

  7. Some days I think I’m the only one of my siblings and in-laws who isn’t a chicken little. My BIL calls me and says, “are you really going to South Dakota during all of this?” Me, “yes.” Him, “do you know that is 5 states you’re going to be going through?” Me, “well I’ll barely be in a few, but yes, I know that.” Him, “why are you doing this?” Me, “it’s been planned for almost a year.” Him, “why can’t you wait until this is all over?” Me, “because this may never be over, since the government and media don’t seem to want it to be over.” Him, “you could be exposed in every state.” Me, “well I don’t think it’s going to fly into the RV.” Him,”so you’re not going to stop anywhere?” Me, “wasn’t planning on stopping until we got to South Dakota, but I think to prove a point to all of my concerned family, I think I will make a point to stop in every state without my mask and talk to as many people as possible.” Him, “what point would that be proving, besides getting yourself sick and possibly dying.” Me, “that’s the point exactly to prove to all of you that you can go out and live without getting sick and dying. Maybe then all of you will leave your house and live your damn lives. Life is too short to live the way all of you are living. Death would be better than being a prisoner in your home, constantly being in fear. None of us are promised tomorrow and I’ll be damned if I spend the last month, week or day of my life not living my life.” Him, “you’re crazy.” Me, “if I come home and 2 weeks pass and I’m still not sick and still alive, will you get over your fear?” Him, “that won’t prove anything, you just might not come across someone with the virus.” Me, “then why are all of you worrying about me going then?”
    Him, “well it’s your life, I guess if you die then that’s your choice.” Me, “I have a greater chance of dying on the road than a virus. I still though am risking it and going.”

    It’s impossible to talk them off the roof.

  8. Will someone please patent and manufacture a Nivage for democrats to self suck the TDS out of their craniums? I know their heads are as far up their ass as possible, but some entrepenuer should appy for grant money and make millions before running out of demotards.

  9. Old Racist White Woman MAY 20, 2020 AT 4:10 PM

    ^^ This is my sister in spirit. ^^

    A few conversations like that lately myself. Today, I did not see anyone else that was mask-less in Home Depot. I’m very disappointed in my local community. I received a small shame-shake from one of the employees as I passed by. I just smiled and when I was passing right next to him made sure he could hear my ‘MM Hmm’ – as you do when you affirm something. I was thinking maybe I should give a kittens mew for anyone trying to scold or shame me. Speak their language of p___y to them. Maybe a Baaa! ?

  10. Old Racist White Woman – I’m with you.
    “why can’t you wait until this is all over?”
    I would point out: “Have you noticed that they keep moving the goal posts!”
    The only way any of this ends ( Virus, Russian Collusion, etc) is if they manage to roll Jackass Joe into the White House in a wheelchair! Otherwise it’s just game-on harrassment of Trump and the American people. The beatings will continue until morale improves…

  11. I have been to Costco here in Colorado Springs 2 days in a row. Both times the card checker told me I needed a mask and I told her I didn’t and kept walking. No one said anything to me about it and if anyone gave me the stink eye, I didn’t notice. I have only worn a mask 2-3 times since this started.

  12. Dad of 4,
    I was at the store yesterday stocking up on supplies for the RV. Every employee had on a mask, only about 10% of the customers did though. When I see them with a mask I purposely walk past them. There was one really obese man with a mask on, he was huffing and panting so hard I was surprised he didn’t pass out. I’ve noticed all the grocery stores around here don’t have the motorized carts sitting out anymore.


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