Senate Republicans Issue First Subpoena in Burisma Probe – IOTW Report

Senate Republicans Issue First Subpoena in Burisma Probe The Democrats’ impeachment witch hunt (Ukraine Edition) came and went without a modicum of success – and managed to lead Republicans to spawn their own probe into Hunter Biden’s alleged misconduct in Ukraine.

Never forget that it was President Donald Trump’s interest in alleged wrongdoing of Joe and Hunter Biden in Ukraine that sparked the entire impeachment witch hunt Democrats were looking for an excuse to execute. Democrats didn’t care about any potential wrongdoing on the part of the Bidens – they cared that Trump inquired about it.

And now the Senate Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee (which Democrats cannot try to impeach) could get to the bottom of it.

As reported by US News & World Report:

[The Committee] on Wednesday voted to authorize a subpoena related to the GOP’s investigation into Hunter Biden and Ukrainian natural gas company Burisma Holdings, exacerbating partisan tensions months out from the 2020 election.

 Chairman Ron Johnson of Wisconsin set up a vote to subpoena Blue Star Strategies, a consulting firm that worked with Burisma while Biden sat on the company’s board and faces allegations of trying to influence policy at the State Department. 

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7 Comments on Senate Republicans Issue First Subpoena in Burisma Probe

  1. Their arrogance and stupidity make it so easy to catch them in their corruption. Perhaps this is the insurance policy for the left to deny Biden the nomination. I wonder if they’ll take to opportunity or defend him to the last ditch

  2. Hi Anon, My guess is they expect an out-of-the-blue new candidate. Such a weak bench of demo’s. That they even mention the sore loser abrams tank is stunning. Moochie is looking more “mannish” every pic they show.
    Maybe Gretchie Whitless?

  3. These subpoenas will be ignored and the Republicans will say “But we tried” and the House will start new impeachment proceedings against Trump.

    Rinse and repeat.


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