All Four Iowa Democratic Senate Candidates Reject Pelosi’s Coronavirus Bill – IOTW Report

All Four Iowa Democratic Senate Candidates Reject Pelosi’s Coronavirus Bill


All four of Iowa’s Democratic Senate candidates said they would not support House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D., Calif.) latest coronavirus relief bill during a primary debate Tuesday.

Progressives Eddie Mauro and Kimberly Graham, both of whom support far-left policies such as the Green New Deal and Medicare for All, agreed the bill’s current form was unacceptable. Theresa Greenfield, who has the backing of national party leaders, questioned “how we’re going to pay for it.” Navy veteran Mike Franken said that while he appreciates Pelosi’s “leadership,” he found the legislation to be unrefined. read more

12 Comments on All Four Iowa Democratic Senate Candidates Reject Pelosi’s Coronavirus Bill

  1. Unfortunately, say one thing and do another seems to be the norm for most politicians and political candidates running for office once they get elected or reelected.

    And voters never seem to remember this next time around, preferring to hear what they want to hear this time instead of remembering what was said last time.

  2. taqiyya & kitman as parcticed by democrat true believers. pelosi has told democrat true believers to lie in order to win an election or prove a point.

    Taquiaa: precautionary dissimulation or denial of belief and practice in the face of persecution.
    A related term is Kitmān (lit. “action of covering, dissimulation”), which has a more specific meaning of dissimulation by silence or omission.

  3. And all 4 of these Doggie Do nuggets of love would vote for it when queen plastic face tells them to.
    Nobody in their right mind would believe that bovine excrement.

  4. Circumspectual Evidence

    Judging by the GLUM faces and SAD sidewise glaces on msNPC mourning jodies face place and Madame Nancys most recent non-daylight showing in public. . .

    Mikahhs thirst for tight young reflections remains unquenched.
    Baby boootox bottles from the dark corners of their Banking of America webbed PP ATM netsworks can’t break the Quarantining Zones around EVIL enclaves.

    Attic paintings look like it’s 1999.

  5. Something isn’t right. If a democrat backs the GND and is at odds with how to pay for anything else it doesn’t add up. Part of the GND is MMT and the printers go BRRRRRR, even going so far as to include a whole new banking system to paper it over.

    Either they think the lives of an average of 26 people dying daily from natural disasters (that includes weather) in the US is more important than any other lives, or they are lying (clueless?) SOBs.

  6. I never understood why Iowa farmers vote Democrat when Democrats never give a flip about farmers. Especially when so many Iowa farmers are getting rich off corn being converted into Biofuel.

  7. Nancy has a glut of those little minibottles.

    So much that she has begun double dosing to prevent wastage of lives. However, this leads to transparency. A side effect.
    Go. Look for yourself. Ipso Factoes.

    Shiny Happy Nancies Nectaries straighten, tighten and rhule in Mikahh mind mirrors.

  8. @mickey moussaoui
    The farmers make very little money, in comparison to the Agra-businesses. The little farmer that is trying to feed his family can not compete anymore. I suspect many of them watch CNN and believe it all to be true.
    Ethanol is crap fuel. It doesn’t burn cleaner, it eats engines, and has 34% less energy than gasoline. But it generates a lot of money.
    Cargill is one of the worlds largest privately held corporations.
    Did you know that Cargill and ADM lobbied congress to put a tariff on sugar so high fructose corn syrup is a cheaper sweetener.

    Also this from a couple weeks ago. Congress is so F’ed up, and the democrats are pushing the one world government agenda. The house spending bill is 1800 pages of Sh’t. In the end follow the money. What has Obama, Clintons, Bidens, sold to make MILLIONS of dollars. America, as those who have fought and died for, to protect.


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