Sidney Powell Discusses the Ongoing Persecution of Michael Flynn With Lou Dobbs – IOTW Report

Sidney Powell Discusses the Ongoing Persecution of Michael Flynn With Lou Dobbs

CTH: Michael Flynn defense attorney, Sidney Powell, appears on Lou Dobbs tonight to discuss the ongoing case against a background of daily revelations showing Flynn was the target of the Obama-era FBI.

6 Comments on Sidney Powell Discusses the Ongoing Persecution of Michael Flynn With Lou Dobbs

  1. @Grool – he knows where the ‘political bodies’ are buried and where the money got WASTED and taken.

    He questioned EVERYTHING in his tenure, Turkey, China, Syria, Afghanistan (this is a big one, it has been determined that one trillion bucks ‘vanished’ there) to the point he got canned as DNI director in 2014.

    The Traitor, and Billary, knew the jig was up and that is when a lot of this started, get rid of ‘He who knows all’ first, then go after DJT with Crossfire Hurricane.


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